The Forever Winter Game Cover
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You’re A Small Fish In A Big Apocalypse.Scavenge and fight for your next day alive under the shadow of gargantuan war machines. Enemies in the game can literally tower over the battlefield. To put it another way: War. War Always Changes. The battlefield is unpredictable thanks to The Forever Winter’s Dynamic Encounter system: enemies have their own goals and agendas, operating in coordinated grou…

  • PC
  • Windows


Audience ScoreBased on 1,620 reviews
gameplay positive mentions
optimization negative mentions
  • The game has a unique and immersive atmosphere, making players feel like a small scavenger in a war-torn world.
  • The art style and graphics are stunning, contributing to the overall experience.
  • The core gameplay loop of scavenging and avoiding combat is engaging and offers a fresh take on the extraction shooter genre.
  • The game is poorly optimized, with many players experiencing low frame rates and performance issues even on high-end hardware.
  • The AI behavior is inconsistent, with enemies sometimes spawning too close to the player or failing to react appropriately to player actions.
  • The water mechanic, which drains in real-time even when the game is not being played, can lead to significant player frustration and loss of progress.
  • gameplay612 mentions

    The gameplay of the game has received mixed reviews, with many players praising its unique atmosphere and core mechanics but criticizing the implementation of the water mechanic, which drains resources in real-time even when players are offline. This mechanic has been described as overly punishing, leading to frustration among casual players who may not have the time to log in regularly. Additionally, players have noted issues with clunky movement, janky AI, and a lack of polish in the overall gameplay experience, suggesting that while the foundation is promising, significant improvements are needed for it to be enjoyable.

    • “The gameplay has a different kind of tension and excitement.”
    • “The gameplay loop of going on missions, skulking about a battlefield and seeking loot is the good kind of tense.”
    • “The gameplay is fun and unique in its design and mechanics with some bugs, hence early access.”
    • “Gameplay is...not there at all, sadly.”
    • “The gameplay is clunky, the game is poorly optimized, and the AI is janky.”
    • “The water mechanic is a mechanic which will reset your base if you don't keep water up.”
  • optimization559 mentions

    The game's optimization is widely criticized, with many players reporting poor performance, frequent frame drops, and significant stuttering, even on high-end hardware. While some users acknowledge that these issues are typical for early access titles, the consensus is that substantial optimization work is urgently needed to improve gameplay experience. Overall, players recommend waiting for performance patches before fully engaging with the game.

    • “Despite some player controller jank and minor performance issues, the maps are really fun to play in.”
    • “The game has a lot of potential, flaws that it has will probably be polished out with time like the optimization and the water mechanic. Game was released as early access because people wanted it, keep that in mind when you buy it.”
    • “If you are willing to work through the spotty performance and optimization and will stick around to provide the devs feedback and testing, it is a good time that will only get better.”
    • “The optimization is terrible; for some reason, I thought this was a common sense expectation for early access, but clearly, I was wrong.”
    • “The game needs some serious optimization; the jank (stuttering, unresponsive controls, slow load times, buggy map geometry) really needs some cleaning.”
    • “Trust what everyone else says: the game is jank and poorly optimized beyond belief; however, I do believe that as of now, it is an investment in a product that shows quite a bit of potential.”
  • graphics229 mentions

    The graphics of the game have received mixed reviews, with many praising the unique art style and atmospheric design, which effectively creates a compelling world. However, performance issues are prevalent, as numerous players report significant frame rate drops and optimization problems, even on high-end systems. While the visuals are often described as stunning and immersive, the game's current state suggests it requires further refinement and optimization to fully realize its potential.

    • “The ambiance and art style are stunning.”
    • “The visuals are incredible, the art direction gives the game a perfect atmosphere, and the sound direction and music are excellent.”
    • “The art style is fantastic, but it needs more polish overall.”
    • “Graphically, nothing to write home about.”
    • “Here are a handful of problems: performance being barely usable on a 4090, the AI seemingly only able to do tank turns, the cool background creature freezing in place while it's being shot at, the long load times that seem like hangs, and an art style that makes high school notebook sketches look creative.”
    • “The game is good, but I can't run it on my PC even with every graphic setting as low as possible; I know they will probably fix this in future updates, but it is currently almost unplayable if you have anything below a 2080.”
  • story220 mentions

    The game's story is described as lacking depth and direction, with many players feeling that it fails to provide a compelling narrative or immersive experience. While some appreciate the potential for environmental storytelling and the tension of mission-based gameplay, others criticize the repetitive nature of quests and the absence of meaningful plot elements. Overall, the consensus is that the game needs significant improvements in storytelling and quest design to enhance player engagement.

    • “Firstly, this game looks good with areas that really play out the world and tell a story as you walk through it.”
    • “Each of the two expeditions I went on felt like a story in its own right, and I don't think I've been so anxious playing a PvE game in a long time!”
    • “What this game needs is more solid plot elements and progression mechanics as well balanced/sensible combat-to-loot ratio; as for now, there is very little to make me pursue any type of equipment.”
    • “Only thing I'm afraid of is that the missions in this will get very repetitive... I don't really see any story or anything like that.”
    • “One other thing and possibly the biggest issue with the game is that it seems to lack any kind of valuable emergent storytelling.”
    • “What this game needs is more solid plot elements; there is very little to make me pursue any type of equipment, maybe for the larger backpacks.”
  • atmosphere179 mentions

    The atmosphere of the game is widely praised for its stunning visuals, immersive sound design, and a tense, gritty environment that effectively conveys a sense of danger and urgency. Many players appreciate the unique art direction and the feeling of being part of an active battlefield, despite acknowledging some gameplay and optimization issues. Overall, the atmosphere is considered the game's strongest aspect, with potential for further development as the game evolves.

    • “The atmosphere, world design, and lore are all really cool, and for me at least, well worth sometimes buggy pathfinding and not great optimization.”
    • “The atmosphere is fantastic, and it feels very tense the whole way until you extract.”
    • “The atmosphere and art direction are immaculate; the combat loop and core premise seem to be solid at its base with a very innovative AI design based around threat ratings.”
    • “However, I do believe this game has potential; the atmosphere is pure hopelessness, real David and Goliath shit, and every victory, no matter how small, feels like climbing Mount Everest or crossing the Rubicon, when in reality all you did was leave a war-torn hellscape with a 477 credit pack of cigs and two bottles of wine.”
    • “The game’s snowy landscapes, while visually interesting, feel underwhelming when the performance detracts from the atmosphere.”
    • “Rough around the edges as expected, but the atmosphere is suffocating and the gameplay loop is tense.”
  • stability114 mentions

    The game is currently plagued by numerous bugs and glitches, which is typical for an early access title. Players report issues such as unresponsive controls, poor AI behavior, and frequent crashes, leading to a frustrating experience despite the game's potential and engaging atmosphere. While many acknowledge these problems as expected growing pains, they recommend waiting for further optimization and updates before diving in.

    • “The game runs great and is absolutely fun to play with friends!”
    • “For the most part, the game is bug-free, with the exception of the occasional flying enemy that goes shooting across the map.”
    • “The game needs some serious optimization; the jank (stuttering, unresponsive controls, slow load times, buggy map geometry) really needs some cleaning.”
    • “The gameplay is really jittery and buggy, with frequent crashes when fiddling with the menu options or accepting quests, often requiring a full PC reboot.”
    • “The game is in a very buggy state, with numerous issues including enemies spawning behind you, quest objectives not appearing, and clipping through buildings.”
  • music71 mentions

    The music in the game has received widespread acclaim for its exceptional quality and ability to enhance the atmosphere, with many reviewers noting that the soundtrack perfectly complements the game's environments and gameplay intensity. Players describe the music as immersive, fitting the game's themes of horror and tension, and highlight its role in creating a captivating experience. Overall, the soundtrack is considered a standout feature, contributing significantly to the game's artistic and emotional impact.

    • “The soundtrack is another standout, that perfectly complements the on-screen action.”
    • “The accompanying soundtrack is nothing short of breathtaking.”
    • “The music is exceptional and fitting for the atmosphere, the art design and worlds are generally great, and the loop is satisfying.”
    • “The soundtrack is mid.”
    • “The one bit of music they have fits the game well, but it gets old after about an hour.”
    • “What the actual f is the soundtrack!?!??!”
  • monetization28 mentions

    The monetization aspect of the game has received mixed feedback, with players appreciating the developers' stance against microtransactions but criticizing the implementation of daily login mechanics that penalize players for inactivity. Many users express frustration over the lack of quality-of-life features, such as toggle options for aiming down sights (ADS) and sensitivity adjustments, which detract from the overall gameplay experience. Overall, while the game shows potential, concerns about its monetization strategy and gameplay mechanics suggest it may feel like a cash grab to some players.

    • “The atmosphere and art direction is immaculate, the combat loop and core premise seems to be solid at its base with a very innovative AI design based around threat ratings and the relative scale of everything on the battlefield, and the devs seem to have a competent and conservative grip on game monetization and continued support.”
    • “This tiny team decided to fight an insane uphill battle to bring us the most intense game I've played since Hunt Showdown while enforcing ethical monetization and an attempt at returning to 'the good old days' of gaming.”
    • “The developers seem to have a competent and conservative grip on game monetization, ensuring a fair experience for players.”
    • “It feels like a cash grab and I get deja vu from all the early access games that never get completed before the developers abandon them.”
    • “On the one hand, the devs are taking a hard stance against anti-consumer practices like microtransactions, yet one of the core 'metagame' mechanics they have implemented is 'daily login' nonsense, where you lose all progress if you don't log in within a certain number of days.”
    • “It's an early snapshot of what's to come and the atmosphere is beautiful, but there are gameplay quality of life improvements missing at the moment, like no toggle for ads and no shoulder swap for the third-person camera.”
  • humor27 mentions

    The humor in the game is largely derived from its chaotic and glitchy mechanics, such as tanks flying through the air and absurd AI behavior, which players find amusing despite the frustration these issues can cause. Many reviews highlight the comedic value of the game's bugs and animations, with some noting that the humor adds a unique charm to the early access experience, even if it detracts from overall gameplay immersion. Overall, while the humor is appreciated, it often stems from the game's technical shortcomings rather than intentional comedic design.

    • “The AI chaos that goes on around you is pretty funny after you focus on it for a while.”
    • “It's quite funny to witness strange things like tanks flying through the air due to everything not being exactly right.”
    • “Physics are bad but hilarious - I saw a tank blow up and fly into the air, spinning while zipping around in random directions for 10 minutes.”
  • grinding12 mentions

    Players find the grinding aspect of the game to be a mixed experience, often describing it as tedious and uninteresting, particularly due to mechanics that feel punishing and require excessive time investment. While some players have adapted to the grind and found enjoyment in it, many express frustration with the pressure to log in regularly for farming, which detracts from the overall enjoyment of the game. Overall, the grinding can feel like a chore rather than a rewarding experience, especially for those balancing gaming with other life responsibilities.

    • “You'll need a second life for grinding.”
    • “The grinding in this game is both rewarding and addictive.”
    • “I love how the grinding mechanics keep me engaged for hours.”
    • “It'll just be a grind for grinding's sake.”
    • “The 'try hard' water mechanic... I get it, but I have kids, a job, and I can't enjoy the pressure of having to log in just for the sake of farming stuff rather than playing for enjoyment.”
    • “As a Tarkov player, quest grinding is nothing new; however, the water system is too punishing for a lot of players.”
  • replayability5 mentions

    Players express mixed feelings about the game's replayability, noting that while there is potential for engaging end-game goals and content, the current map design offers limited replay value. Suggestions for improvement include implementing a wipe system to refresh gameplay experiences. Overall, there is optimism for future enhancements that could increase replayability.

    • “Being able to align yourself with either Europa or Eurasia to join in on their firefights in-raid like a contractor would be pretty sweet; it would add an endgame style goal with more replay value.”
    • “The game is more playable than some EA games I've personally played. I believe there is enough content in the game worth the money, and I think this game will become greater in the future. I believe in the devs and recommend the game.”
    • “Some kind of wipe system could be good for replayability, and this idea seems better than general wipes, so I’m not entirely against it.”
    • “The maps have about 0.1% replayability.”
    • “Hot take, but being able to align yourself to either Europa or Eurasia closely so you can join in on their firefights in-raid like a contractor would be pretty sweet; it would add an endgame style goal with more replay value.”
    • “The game is more playable than some EA games I've personally played, and I think there is enough content in the game worth the money. I believe this game will become greater in the future; I believe in the devs and I recommend the game.”
  • emotional3 mentions

    The emotional engagement in the game appears to be minimal, with players enjoying certain mechanics like door hacking but not feeling a deep connection to the narrative or characters. The experience is described as entertaining yet lacking in emotional investment, with some unsettling imagery that detracts from a more profound emotional experience.

    • “The emotional weight of the story really draws you in and makes you feel connected to the characters.”
    • “The game masterfully captures the essence of loss and hope, leaving a lasting impact on the player.”
    • “I was genuinely moved by the character arcs and the choices I had to make throughout the game.”
  • character development2 mentions

    While the game excels in visual and atmospheric design, the reviews do not provide specific insights into character development, suggesting that this aspect may not be as deeply explored or impactful as the game's aesthetics.

    • “The character development in this game is truly remarkable, with each character feeling unique and well-crafted.”
    • “The depth of the characters and their growth throughout the story is one of the standout features of this game.”
    • “The combination of character design, environment design, and soundtrack creates an immersive experience that enhances character development.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

Buy The Forever Winter

Play time

3hMedian play time
3hAverage play time
2-4hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 11 analyzed playthroughs


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