THROW LOGIC TO THE WIND AND EMBRACE YOUR INSTINCTS!THE LEGENDARY ZOMBIE HUNTER JULIET IS FINALLY BACK! Lollipop Chainsaw, which sold 1.24 million copies worldwide, is back with the latest graphics! The cheerleader Juliet, born into a family of zombie hunters, uses her trusty chainsaw to rip and tear through the undead! But now that RePOP adds speedier chainsaw action and auto-fire for her chainsa…

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Audience ScoreBased on 697 reviews
music positive mentions
optimization negative mentions
  • The game retains its original humor and charm, making it a fun and nostalgic experience.
  • The graphics have been improved, providing a more vibrant and visually appealing game.
  • The combat is enjoyable and offers a variety of combos and unlockable costumes.
  • The game suffers from numerous bugs, including audio issues, desynchronized cutscenes, and glitches during boss fights.
  • There are no graphics settings available, limiting customization options for players.
  • The removal of the original soundtrack due to licensing issues detracts from the overall experience.
  • music200 mentions

    The remastered version of the game has faced significant criticism regarding its music, primarily due to the removal of many beloved licensed tracks, which has left a noticeable void for fans of the original soundtrack. While some players find the new music acceptable, many feel it lacks the energy and charm of the originals, leading to a diminished experience during gameplay. The modding community has quickly responded with restoration mods, allowing players to reintegrate the classic tracks, which many reviewers highly recommend for an enhanced experience.

    • “The soundtrack is utterly infectious, and every battle feels exhilarating, combining brutal simplicity with flashes of humor that keep you smiling, even when the undead swarm you.”
    • “I loved the humor, the style, and the way the soundtrack worked so well with the game.”
    • “The remaster does lose some of its licensed music, but I like the new tracks and being able to play the game in its original mode is great!”
    • “The music audio has been changed to some generic crap that took away from the fun of the original.”
    • “The original music has a drive and passion which when missing makes this current remaster feel hollow at points.”
    • “The loss of the licensed music really is a big hit on the game!!”
  • graphics170 mentions

    The graphics of the game have received mixed reviews, with many praising the vibrant, comic book-inspired art style and overall visual improvements compared to the original. However, a significant number of players are disappointed by the lack of graphical options, such as the inability to adjust settings beyond resolution, which detracts from the experience. Additionally, some users noted technical issues and inconsistencies in visual quality, suggesting that while the remaster looks good, it falls short of expectations for a modern release.

    • “Art style & visuals: the vibrant colors and comic book-inspired effects look sharper than ever.”
    • “The aesthetic and raunchy humor of the game keeps you interested for sure, and the graphics definitely look more vibrant and sharp compared to the 360 and PS3 version.”
    • “Graphically, the game is a vivid spectacle, but it does suffer from some technical blemishes.”
    • “This remaster has some serious issues in visuals, audio, and optimization that makes it a pretty jarring downgrade from the original version, unfortunately!”
    • “The animations are really choppy, the game is infested with bugs, graphically the game has lost all the charm it had in the original, even on original mode a lot of the cool cell-shaded/comic book-esque effects are gone.”
    • “The graphics are alright but you cannot change them because the game doesn't even come with graphics settings.”
  • humor78 mentions

    The humor in "Lollipop Chainsaw" is widely praised for its over-the-top, campy style, blending crude jokes with absurd scenarios that keep players laughing throughout the gameplay. Many reviewers highlight the game's silly dialogue, memorable characters, and a nostalgic punk-rock vibe that enhances the overall experience, making it a standout in the zombie genre. Despite some dated elements, the humor remains a key selling point, appealing to both returning fans and newcomers alike.

    • “Lollipop Chainsaw repop brings back the over-the-top, zombie-slaying action with a heavy dose of humor and style.”
    • “The game balances humor and action, making it a standout from that era.”
    • “First and foremost, all of the humor, craziness, and over-the-top fun that made the original a cult classic is still here in full force.”
  • gameplay68 mentions

    The gameplay is characterized by its fun and satisfying hack-and-slash mechanics, vibrant aesthetics, and a blend of humor that appeals to fans of the genre. While many players appreciate the nostalgic feel and engaging combat, some report issues with bugs, frame rate inconsistencies, and input lag that detract from the overall experience. Despite these drawbacks, the core gameplay remains enjoyable, with a mix of unique mechanics and a whimsical atmosphere that keeps players entertained.

    • “Fun combat: the hack-and-slash gameplay still feels satisfying.”
    • “The gameplay is addictive with all the combos, rainbows, and glitter, and I'm always laughing at the dialogue or just the ridiculousness of it all.”
    • “At the heart of its appeal is a meticulously crafted gameplay loop that never ceases to entertain.”
    • “It's super buggy with audio and gameplay; half the time it doesn't feel like my inputs are going through either.”
    • “The gameplay feels more clunky when the original had minor issues, and the camera/aim still feels bad despite the remaster claiming they 'fixed' it.”
    • “The biggest issue I've seen during gameplay is that sometimes certain in-game cutscenes or transitions won't occur, causing me to have to restart the game and continue from my last checkpoint.”
  • optimization56 mentions

    The game's optimization has received widespread criticism, with many players noting poor performance that often resembles that of older consoles like the PS3, despite better image quality. While some users report that performance can be improved through manual adjustments, the lack of an in-game settings menu and persistent glitches have led to frustration. Overall, players recommend waiting for optimization patches before purchasing, as the current state is deemed unsatisfactory for a 2024 release.

    • “Game has some optimization issues, but nothing to the level of say Fallout 76 or Cyberpunk 2077 on their launches.”
    • “Great game but the optimization needs some improvement!”
    • “This game got a new update and with it some optimizations allowing it to be 'playable'; it still has plenty of problems though.”
    • “The only savior is that this game has an original mode which is essentially the original game that somehow has worse performance than if you ran it on an Xbox 360 or PS3.”
    • “I'm very disappointed to have to report that the PC port is in a terrible state 4 hours after launch; the frame rate sometimes reaches 30, with most of the time staying in the mid to high 20s, and occasional drops to the 10s at 1440p. The dualsense support is a lie too, there's no native support wired or wireless, and the controls feel extremely clunky and delayed, no doubt partially due to the terrible performance.”
    • “Horrible port full of problems; abysmal settings, some controllers aren't detected, and poor optimization when I see how it runs on a 4090.”
  • stability42 mentions

    The game's stability has been widely criticized, with numerous reports of bugs, glitches, and performance issues that significantly detract from the experience. While some players find charm in the nostalgic imperfections, many others describe it as a "buggy mess" that hampers gameplay, with issues ranging from audio problems to game-breaking glitches. Overall, the consensus is that the game requires substantial fixes before it can be recommended to a broader audience.

    • “Runs great on the Steam Deck, but you need to copy and paste some settings into a config file.”
    • “On a more powerful PC, it runs great out of the box with no changes needed.”
    • “The game is a massive buggy mess, do not play it.”
    • “I'm a huge fan of the original game, but this version is simply too buggy for me to enjoy.”
    • “Unfortunately, it is a buggy mess right now and needs to be fixed before I can truly recommend the game to others.”
  • story42 mentions

    The story of the game is characterized by its humorous and campy tone, featuring a quirky narrative that blends zombie action with absurdity, making it enjoyable for players who appreciate over-the-top storytelling. While the main storyline is relatively short, lasting around 4-8 hours, it offers ample replay value through collectibles and alternate endings. Players praise the strong character of Juliet Starling and the game's ability to deliver laughs, despite some critiques regarding its simplicity and outdated humor.

    • “The story and how everything was told was amazing. I'm usually not a fan of zombie games; they usually terrify me, but this game is an exception. It made me laugh and actually like some of the zombies.”
    • “They didn’t mess with what made Lollipop Chainsaw special: the fun combat, hilarious dialogue, and absolutely bonkers storyline.”
    • “The story is super funny; it had me and my friends in Discord dying with laughter.”
    • “The story is kind of lackluster due to the genres it's trying to imitate, but the humor and overall charm of the game more than makes up for the fact.”
    • “Overall, if you're thinking about giving this a try, I would say it's worth it, but just be warned it is a short story that can be completed in less than 10 hours.”
    • “The game doesn't take itself super seriously, so if you are looking for a 'serious' story-driven adventure, take a look elsewhere.”
  • replayability6 mentions

    The game offers significant replayability despite its short main story of 4-6 hours, with players encouraged to hunt for high scores, collect costumes, and unlock various endings. With only five main stages, the game remains engaging through higher difficulty levels and the pursuit of collectibles, making it appealing for multiple playthroughs. Overall, players find the replay value to be impressive, enhanced by the ability to unlock new combos and outfits.

    • “The main story is fairly short, around 4-6 hours depending on your pace, but the game offers plenty of replay value through hunting high scores, costume collecting, and unlocking the different endings.”
    • “Replayability is amazing as you unlock more combos and outfits throughout your endeavors.”
    • “Not too long a game, but plenty of replay value.”
    • “The main story is fairly short, around 4-6 hours depending on your pace, but the game offers plenty of replay value through hunting high scores, costume collecting, and unlocking the different endings.”
    • “There are only 5 main stages (school, stadium, farm, arcade, cathedral/construction site), but it seems replayable enough at higher difficulties.”
    • “Replayable, lots of collectibles.”
  • monetization4 mentions

    The monetization aspect of the game has been criticized as a poorly executed cash grab, with users expressing disappointment in the lack of microtransactions but still feeling that the overall product is subpar and not worth the investment.

    • “There are no microtransactions, which makes the experience much more enjoyable.”
    • “I appreciate that the game doesn't rely on microtransactions to progress.”
    • “The absence of microtransactions allows for a fair and balanced gameplay experience.”
    • “Yasuda and this studio should be ashamed for releasing this messy cash grab.”
    • “I pity mid and low rigs; horrible controlling camera and Juliet... another quick cash grab!”
    • “Half-assed cash grab.”
  • grinding4 mentions

    Players have mixed feelings about grinding in the game; while some find the frequent cutscenes and silver coin collection tedious, others appreciate the reduced grind for unlocking costumes and items, noting that lower shop prices and new purchases make the experience more enjoyable. Overall, the game is perceived as less grindy compared to its predecessor.

    • “This is annoying because the game has to stop and show me the same 5-second cutscene for every 3 seconds of gameplay. I'm not interested in grinding silver coins; I just want to play, thank you.”
    • “The reduction of shop prices makes it a lot less grindy than the original.”
    • “But the game feels very generous this time around and not so grindy to unlock costumes, etc.”
  • character development3 mentions

    The character development in the game is praised for its stunning and fresh designs, which stand out in the current gaming landscape. While the gameplay remains similar to its early 2010s predecessor, the improvements in character aesthetics contribute significantly to the overall enjoyment.

    • “Epic character design.”
    • “The character designs are a breath of fresh air in today's gaming climate.”
    • “No censorship, no Denuvo, super fun game, extremely gorgeous character design.”
    • “It's basically the same game that came out in the early 2010s, with small quality of life improvements. The character designs are a breath of fresh air in today's gaming climate.”
  • atmosphere2 mentions

    The atmosphere of the game is characterized by a fun and humorous vibe, enhanced by the main character's bubbly and toxic positivity. This approach not only maintains the original spirit of the game but also offers an authentic experience that resonates with fans of its unique style.

    • “It's fun, and I enjoy the hell out of the atmosphere and the main character's bubbly toxic positivity.”
    • “This decision not only preserves the original spirit of the game but also amplifies its outlandishly humorous atmosphere, providing a more authentic experience to fans who appreciate the game’s unique style.”
  • emotional1 mentions

    Users express a strong emotional connection to the game, highlighting moments of intense engagement and surprise, such as the unexpected thrill of slicing a car in half without any direct input. This suggests that the game effectively evokes powerful feelings and reactions from players.

Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative


Play time

5hMedian play time
8hAverage play time
3-15hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 5 analyzed playthroughs


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