JollyJailJumper- [JJJ]: Our entry for Ludum Dare 34 Theme: Two button controlls Take control of Piotr "Sixfinger" Peter, an innocent inmate who tries to flee punishment by continuosly changing clothes during prison riot. Buttons in use: -Jump --> Spacebar (A or left trigger on Gamepad) -Switch --> Tabulator (B or right trigger on Gamepad) Team: Janosch - Code Rage, LaLottey & LeDuz - …
![JollyJailJumper - [JJJ] screenshot](https://img.gamebrain.co/games/857/jollyjailjumper_awesomealliterationalliance_2017_3_xl.png)
![JollyJailJumper - [JJJ] screenshot](https://img.gamebrain.co/games/856/jollyjailjumper_awesomealliterationalliance_2017_2_xl.png)
![JollyJailJumper - [JJJ] screenshot](https://img.gamebrain.co/games/858/jollyjailjumper_awesomealliterationalliance_2017_4_xl.png)