Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart

Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart Game Cover
Hyperdevotion Noire gets a lot of things right, but falters when it crosses the line from comedic hijinks into creepy territory. Regardless, it’s a solid SRPG, and sure to provide Neptunia fans with many hours of content and entertainment.
Starting at $3.20Buy now

Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart is a chibi-style strategy RPG where players collect and lead an army of game-referencing characters in turn-based battles. The "Lily System" allows characters to bond and unlock special abilities, while high definition visuals and challenging trap-filled maps make for a robust gaming experience.

  • PC
  • Windows
  • Play​Station
  • Play​station Vita


Audience ScoreBased on 379 reviews
story46 positive mentions
grinding36 negative mentions
  • story165 mentions
  • gameplay104 mentions
  • grinding37 mentions
  • funny32 mentions
  • music22 mentions
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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