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Dungeons of Wrath and Mana

Dungeons of Wrath and Mana Game Cover


Dungeons of Wrath and Mana Game Cover


About Dungeons of Wrath and Mana - or DOWAM for short - is a fast paced roguelike that sees you teleport to themed dungeons, where you must hunt for equipment to fully customize your character's abilities. Equip unique weapons, ranging from bows & arrows to high tech plasma rifles, to magic rings that let you summon lightning from the sky... and everything in between! (Including bacon) Download li…

Dungeons of Wrath and Mana screenshot
Dungeons of Wrath and Mana screenshot
Dungeons of Wrath and Mana screenshot
Dungeons of Wrath and Mana screenshot
Dungeons of Wrath and Mana screenshot
Dungeons of Wrath and Mana screenshot

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