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This. Is. Not. Working. Game Cover


Virtual RealityWindowsOculus QuestOculus RiftWindows Mixed Reality
This. Is. Not. Working. Game Cover


A sound-driven VR game created for a sound design class about a student who  is taking a sound design class and trying to finish her project. Dive into the mind of a student in the last few days before a project deadline. The focus of this project is the creation of an immersive auditory environment and an interactive and reactive sound system. Sound creation and design:Maggie Chan, Christine Drum…

This. Is. Not. Working. screenshot
This. Is. Not. Working. screenshot
This. Is. Not. Working. screenshot

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Title_Pending Image
Amygdala Image


Oxenfree Image
Trauma ImageTrauma ImageTrauma Image
Quadrilateral Cowboy Image