Executive Assault Game Cover
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"Executive Assault" is a real-time strategy and first-person shooter game hybrid. Players can build and manage their own bases, while also controlling individual units in FPS combat. The game features intense PvP and AI combat, with a focus on strategic base building and tactical unit control. Overseeing every aspect of your company is crucial for success, from researching new technologies to commanding your soldiers in battle.

  • PC
  • Windows


Audience ScoreBased on 1,091 reviews
gameplay positive mentions
graphics negative mentions
  • Unique blend of RTS and FPS gameplay, allowing players to control units in first person.
  • Fun and engaging with friends, especially in multiplayer mode.
  • Creative unit customization and a diverse tech tree enhance strategic depth.
  • Game suffers from bugs and crashes, impacting overall experience.
  • AI can be unbalanced and overly aggressive, making it difficult for new players.
  • Limited maps and lack of single-player campaign reduce replayability.
  • gameplay153 mentions

    The gameplay is a unique blend of RTS and FPS mechanics, featuring engaging base-building elements and a diverse research tree that keeps players invested. While the game offers innovative concepts and fun mechanics, it suffers from unpolished execution, balance issues, and a lack of content, particularly in single-player modes. Overall, it provides a solid experience, especially in multiplayer, but players should be aware of its current limitations and potential for improvement.

    • “The gameplay ramps up quickly and the simplistic power usage system works really well with the upgrade systems, pressing in the ideas of offense vs defense.”
    • “The mechanics of this game are great and I feel as though there's a lot of replay value given the mix of FPS and RTS that really change the dynamics of the game.”
    • “Overall, this game could be developed further, but as it stands, it introduces several mechanics to the RTS concept that could revolutionize games from now on.”
    • “The gameplay is extremely simple to learn and more fun with friends, as they don't exploit game mechanics (such as infinite firing distance of handheld weapons).”
    • “It's optimized poorly; its FPS mechanics are surface level at best and flawed.”
    • “The controls are clunky, the game looks like it came out in 1999, it's slow, the 'strategy' is impenetrable, portions of the game remain buggy and broken, it's boring by yourself and impossible to play with anyone else.”
  • graphics141 mentions

    The graphics of the game have received mixed reviews, with many players noting that they are outdated and reminiscent of early 2000s titles, often describing them as "mediocre" or "basic." While some appreciate the unique art style and the fact that the game runs well on lower-end systems, others express disappointment over graphical glitches and a lack of polish. Overall, players agree that while the graphics may not be impressive, the engaging gameplay often compensates for these visual shortcomings.

    • “It's graphics are totally okay, especially the vehicle cockpits which are beautifully made.”
    • “They put such big graphics into this game, it's like photorealistic.”
    • “Graphically, the game looks good with a few exceptions on icons.”
    • “The graphics are terrible, the user interface could be best described as 'well enough', the AI is kind of buggy but does its job, I guess.”
    • “There's simply too many glitches and graphical errors to call this a complete game in my opinion.”
    • “Even though most of the visuals and graphics are a bit blocky, they do not get in the way of delivering effective gameplay.”
  • music38 mentions

    The music in the game has received widespread acclaim, with many players praising its epic soundtrack that enhances the overall gaming experience. The inclusion of humorous elements like elevator music adds a unique charm, while the soundtrack is described as both immersive and fitting for the intense battles. Overall, players consider the music to be a standout feature, elevating the game's appeal significantly.

    • “The soundtrack is unexpectedly good and epic too!”
    • “First off, the soundtrack is unreal; this game shouldn't have a soundtrack of this extreme, but it works so well in conveying the action that I don't even care. I really want this OST!”
    • “Rushing into another CEO's building with your army of robots, destroying thick metal doors and ceiling-mounted turrets along the way, then going into an elevator to his command office, listening to the calming elevator music, and watching a giant robot outside destroying everything around him, finally shooting the enemy CEO and watching him ragdoll around has to be the best gaming experience I've had in a while.”
    • “I don't want to ruin it for you, but for example when you ride the elevator up to brutally slaughter the enemy executive, some classy elevator music is playing.”
    • “Please help: when I launch the game I can hear the music but it just displays a pink/purple screen.”
    • “- main menu music not affected by sound sliders.”
  • stability36 mentions

    The game's stability is widely criticized, with numerous reports of bugs, crashes, and glitches that significantly hinder gameplay. Many players note that despite its fun concept and potential, the frequent technical issues, including freezing and poor AI, make it feel unfinished and unplayable at times. While some enjoy the game despite these flaws, the overall consensus is that it requires substantial improvements to achieve a stable and enjoyable experience.

    • “The game runs smoothly with minimal bugs, providing a stable experience overall.”
    • “I appreciate how stable the gameplay is; it rarely crashes or freezes.”
    • “The developers have done a great job ensuring a consistent and reliable performance.”
    • “However, although I love this game, it is very buggy, has stupid AI, and crashes on the beastiest of computers.”
    • “The game constantly crashes, freezes, and even my CEO fell through the map making the game unplayable. The game is great and it is clearly a work in progress, but I feel you are still paying for an early access rather than a complete game, with so many new features. Even the updates can cause the game to break; the update we got yesterday caused the game to also run in 800x600 with menu items being so stretched they appear outside the viewable screen.”
    • “If you want a fully completed game with no glitches of any kind, this is not for you.”
  • optimization24 mentions

    The game's optimization has received significant criticism, with many users reporting severe performance issues even on high-end machines, as well as poor graphical quality and a clunky user interface. While some players find it enjoyable despite these flaws, the consensus is that it requires substantial optimization and updates to improve gameplay and performance, particularly for older systems. Overall, the game feels unfinished and lacks the polish expected for its price point.

    • “And it has decent performance on a cheap Samsung laptop from 2008.”
    • “Fps and RTS hybrid, both my favorite styles of games all wrapped up into one nice, neat, and fairly well-optimized package.”
    • “The game doesn't particularly look amazing or anything and the performance is frustrating at times, but that shouldn't get in the way of a truly solid RTS/FPS that's a joy to play with friends.”
    • “It's optimized poorly; its FPS mechanics are surface level at best and flawed.”
    • “Not worth buying for $10; it has severe performance issues, generally feels unfinished, and it does not seem to get any more updates.”
    • “There are also massive optimization issues even for computers that far surpass the recommended specs like mine.”
  • story22 mentions

    The game lacks a traditional campaign or missions, focusing instead on skirmishes and multiplayer gameplay, which some players find disappointing. While the premise involves players taking on the role of a CEO in a battle for dominance, the overall story is minimal and largely absent, leading to a sense of missed potential for a more engaging narrative experience. Despite this, players appreciate the customizable units and the chaotic, satisfying gameplay that unfolds during battles.

    • “The premise regarding Executive Assault is that the player takes control of an executive businessman who is essentially the only human on the battlefield trying to take over the world.”
    • “Although there is no backstory, at least not yet, you play as a CEO sitting inside your simple, but comfortable office at the top of your tower, fighting with or against up to three other CEOs on a decently sized map.”
    • “You are able to enter the enemy's base buildings in FPS style or do your own assassin missions during the battle.”
    • “Do not buy this game if you're expecting to play any kind of single player mission.”
    • “The plot is non-existent, but what do you expect?”
    • “Despite having no story mode, a missed opportunity in my opinion, this is a great little game to play with and reminds me heavily of the Earth 2140/50/60 games, mostly from the unit design system where you equip your units for battle before making them.”
  • humor21 mentions

    The game's humor is characterized by quirky, light-hearted elements that elicit chuckles, such as amusing character names, funny death statements, and entertaining bugs. Players find joy in the game's unique blend of gameplay and comedic touches, particularly when playing with friends, as the absurdity of situations—like charging bots and ragdoll physics—adds to the hilarity. Overall, while the humor may not be overwhelming, it effectively enhances the gaming experience and contributes to its originality.

    • “Just naming your company and walking around your base is fun enough for the money with all the great humor and little touches that have been put into the game.”
    • “Now, me and a friend die laughing at the charging suicidal bots, and the amazing ragdoll effects when the CEO dies.”
    • “Funny little things like elevator music, martini-drinking pilots, and funny death statements from bots.”
  • replayability9 mentions

    Overall, the game's replayability is seen as a mixed bag; while some players highlight its innovative mechanics and unique gameplay that offer endless possibilities, others note that the lack of a matchmaking system and reliance on playing with friends can limit replay value. Many agree that the combination of FPS and RTS elements enhances the experience, making each match feel distinct, but some caution that it may not be as replayable as initially expected.

    • “Great replay value; no two matches are ever the same.”
    • “I think it is an innovative and great concept for a game that I believe has endless replay value!”
    • “The very unique aspect that you can control your units and experience the fight in a new dimension, as well as the many ways you can set up your base and infiltrate the enemy's base, adds a lot of replay value.”
    • “No matchmaking system (if we had this, the game would have tremendous replay value)”
    • “Very poor replay value without friends to play with”
    • “Definitely a good purchase if you're into RTS games, though it may not be as replayable as you think, and remember to use the two-hour refund policy to make sure the game is right for you.”
  • atmosphere6 mentions

    The game's atmosphere is widely praised for its epic and intense battle scenes, complemented by a fitting sci-fi backdrop. While some sound elements are considered generic, they still enhance the overall experience. The scale and immersive corporate future war setting contribute significantly to the game's addictiveness and appeal.

    • “The scale and atmosphere are probably my favorite thing about the game.”
    • “The premise is amazing and the atmosphere is incredible.”
    • “This game has an amazing atmosphere and is extremely addicting.”
    • “The sounds are pretty generic, but they are appropriate and add to the sci-fi atmosphere.”
    • “The scale and atmosphere are probably my favorite thing about the game.”
  • monetization3 mentions

    The monetization strategy of the game has been criticized as a cash grab, with users expressing disappointment over the developer's focus on profit rather than improving the game or addressing its issues, particularly the broken energy system. Overall, the game is perceived as an unfinished product that prioritizes financial gain over quality.

    • “This game had potential, but instead of continuing to update and fix the broken energy system, the developer has decided to make another cash grab.”
    • “Unfinished Unity asset cash grab.”
    • “It's obvious that this is a cash grab from the developer for a very unpolished title.”
  • grinding3 mentions

    Players find the grinding aspect of the game to be tedious and boring, often leading to a lack of enjoyment as they feel compelled to master the mechanics and technology paths before engaging in gameplay. This results in a frustrating experience, particularly in multiplayer, where the initial excitement quickly diminishes.

    • “Very tedious and boring.”
    • “Provides a fair few hours of multiplayer gameplay before becoming tedious.”
    • “Unfortunately, this leads me to think that there is really only one starting path to choose from. Setting up your base with the essentials just seems tedious, which is why I'm not bothering to start a me vs AI game. I feel I need to know exactly how to play the game and understand every technology path just so I won't die miserably. Even if I did, I still wouldn't be having fun with this game.”
  • character development1 mentions

    The game features significant character development, particularly with the executive characters, allowing players to witness their growth and transformation throughout the story.

    • “There is a lot of character development with each of the executive characters.”
    • “The depth of character development truly brings the story to life.”
    • “I was impressed by how each character evolves throughout the game.”
  • emotional1 mentions

    The emotional aspect of the game is overshadowed by frustrations with unresponsive aircraft controls and subpar graphics, which detract from the overall experience.

Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

Buy Executive Assault

Play time

84hMedian play time
56hAverage play time
1-111hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 2 analyzed playthroughs


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