Entschuldigung Game Cover
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Entschuldigung is a single-player Horror Adventure game, featuring a chilling psychological horror story with disturbing themes. As a stranger in a foreign land, you seek sanctuary in a grand old house, where you'll uncover unsettling secrets and confront your inner demons with only a gas lamp to light your way. The game's eerie atmosphere, accompanied by good music, creates a haunting experience that takes about 6 hours to complete.

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Audience ScoreBased on 22 reviews
story positive mentions
  • The game features excellent writing and a beautifully unsettling atmosphere, enhanced by a well-matched soundtrack.
  • The artwork is visually appealing and contributes to the overall creepy experience.
  • The unique mechanics, such as using a lamp to illuminate the story, add an interesting twist to the gameplay.
  • The font used in the game is hard to read, detracting from the visual novel experience and causing discomfort.
  • The story is short and lacks depth, leaving many plot points unexplained and the ending unsatisfying.
  • The game contains graphic and controversial content that may be off-putting or triggering for some players.
  • story23 mentions

    The story has received mixed reviews, with many players finding it confusing and lacking depth, particularly regarding the backstory of the house and its inhabitants. While some appreciated the unsettling atmosphere and the potential for a more developed narrative, others felt that the short length and vague plot left them wanting more. Overall, the game offers an intriguing yet flawed horror experience that may benefit from additional content or a sequel to fully explore its themes.

    • “The story slowly draws you in, and it suddenly becomes a very tense and terrifying narrative that really rewards a second (and third, and fourth) read/play-through.”
    • “The ending was a bit of a shocker and I'm still trying to piece together what actually happened, so even though the story is only around an hour long, it is quite thought-provoking and will leave you thinking about what happened for some time after you finish it.”
    • “The story itself was very transportative and I won't say anything further as I don't want to spoil it for anyone.”
    • “If this triggers you, or even if you're just looking for a decent horror story, I wouldn't recommend this title.”
    • “A wonderful intense atmosphere, but the story in all was too confusing and too short.”
    • “I attempted to conjure a storyline out of the game and failed.”
  • music10 mentions

    The music in the game is widely praised for its strong integration with the narrative, enhancing the overall atmosphere and emotional impact. Reviewers highlight the soundtrack as memorable and effective, contributing to a creepy and immersive experience, while also noting that the art complements the music beautifully. Despite some criticism of the writing, the combination of music and visuals is consistently described as a standout feature.

    • “The artwork and music are very well-suited to the narrative, and it will linger in your memory long after it has finished.”
    • “I particularly loved the soundtrack; it really tied up the moments and made everything way creepier.”
    • “Great use of incidental music and effects.”
  • graphics8 mentions

    The graphics of the game are praised for their beautiful art style and excellent visuals that complement the narrative effectively. Users appreciate the clever use of lighting and the overall artwork, which enhances the immersive experience, although some feel that additional visuals could have elevated the game further. The soundtrack is also highlighted as a strong aspect that pairs well with the visuals.

    • “Great game with excellent visuals and sound.”
    • “The artwork and music are very well-suited to the narrative, and it will linger in your memory long after it has finished.”
    • “Beautiful art style and good music really help out with this.”
    • “Add some more visuals and the game would have been on my list of top stories until I reached the end.”
    • “It doesn't make sense in the context of the story and was quite graphic.”
    • “The artwork and music are very well-suited to the narrative, and it will linger in your memory long after it has finished.”
  • gameplay4 mentions

    Gameplay reviews highlight a mix of frustrations and unique elements; while some players found the mechanics annoying and the font difficult to read, detracting from the visual novel experience, others appreciated the innovative torch mechanic that added a fun twist to exploring the environment. However, the overall decision-making felt limited and convoluted, leading to a less engaging experience.

    • “I also enjoyed the torch mechanic to illuminate your surroundings; it was something I hadn't experienced before and added a fun component to the gameplay.”
    • “The mechanics are annoying, and the font used is hard on the eyes and not fun to read, which is the whole point of a visual novel. It gave me a headache; I tried my best, but the font really got the better of me and made the experience not enjoyable.”
    • “What I received was a digital manga with one actual decision that only influenced the gameplay if you followed a convoluted and obscure path to a strange and pointless alternate ending.”
  • atmosphere2 mentions

    The atmosphere of the game is predominantly described as creepy, effectively immersing players in a tense and unsettling environment. Overall, the atmosphere is considered well-crafted and contributes significantly to the game's overall experience.

    • “The game has a wonderfully creepy atmosphere that keeps you on edge.”
    • “The atmosphere is immersive and engaging, drawing you into the world.”
    • “There's a captivating atmosphere that enhances the overall experience.”
    • “The atmosphere is unsettling and eerie, making it hard to immerse myself in the game.”
    • “While the game aims for a creepy atmosphere, it often feels more forced than genuinely frightening.”
    • “The overall ambiance lacks depth, leaving the environment feeling flat and uninspired.”
  • replayability1 mentions

    The game offers minimal replay value, suggesting that players may not find enough incentive to revisit it after completing the main content.

    • “Minimal replay value.”
    • “The game lacks incentives to play through again.”
    • “Once you finish the story, there's little reason to return.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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Play time

6hMedian play time
6hAverage play time
6-6hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 1 analyzed playthroughs


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