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Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen

Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen Game Cover


Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen Game Cover


The gameplay in this sequel is identical to that of the previous entry: the player navigates the digitized images of the girls over 2D backgrounds in a side-scrolling/third-person perspective manner, searching for clues, triggering scenes, and choosing responses and/or actions when prompted by the narrative. It consists of six independent scenarios, and the numbering of the scenarios is a continu…

Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen screenshot

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