Thunderbird: The Legend Begins Game Cover
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"Thunderbird: The Legend Begins" is a 15-minute VR game that won Best VR Experience of 2016 at the Unity AR/VR Vision Summit. It offers high-quality, puzzle-based gameplay designed for true room-scale VR, requiring 3.6m x 2m of play space for optimal movement and interaction. The game may expand with additional content in the future, available for free to existing users.


Audience ScoreBased on 26 reviews
graphics positive mentions
stability negative mentions
  • The game features beautiful graphics and highly polished visuals that create an immersive experience.
  • Puzzles are intuitive and fun, providing a sense of engagement despite the short playtime.
  • The developers are responsive and actively working to fix bugs and add more content, showing promise for future updates.
  • The game is extremely short, with most players reporting playtimes of only 10-15 minutes, making it feel more like a tech demo than a full game.
  • Gameplay mechanics are often buggy and frustrating, with issues like misalignment and poor control responsiveness detracting from the experience.
  • There has been a lack of promised content updates, leading to disappointment among players who expected more from the game.
  • graphics8 mentions

    Overall, the graphics in the game are highly praised for their polish, beautiful light effects, and engaging visuals that create an immersive atmosphere. However, many players noted that the experience is short-lived, with the game ending abruptly after an intriguing introduction. Despite the visual appeal, the game's brevity leaves some players wanting more depth and content.

    • “The puzzles are intuitive and fun, the graphics are highly polished and the hands-on interaction is natural.”
    • “Fantastic experience with great graphics, beautiful light effects and interesting puzzles.”
    • “However the game world is very pretty (turn up the graphics option as soon as the game launches) and the music is suitably hauntingly soulful, and the game starts to build up an air of mystery.”
    • “The door closed, but I was presented with a turn-around graphic and then a white cube room of no escape.”
    • “However, the game world is very pretty (turn up the graphics option as soon as the game launches) and the music is suitably hauntingly soulful, but then just comes to a very abrupt ending.”
  • gameplay7 mentions

    The gameplay has received mixed reviews, with many players criticizing the puzzle mechanics for being buggy and requiring excessive precision, leading to frustration. While some appreciate the interesting visuals and potential for future content, the overall experience is deemed too short for the price, leaving players wanting more.

    • “This game is very short, but offers some interesting visuals and mechanics.”
    • “In general, the mechanics are pretty good, but some of them required too much precision, especially when placing objects.”
    • “The game looks like it will be pretty fun, but it is a very short experience if you are familiar with this type of puzzle mechanic.”
    • “For a game that relies on puzzle-solving mechanics, the actual mechanics are poorly done and buggy.”
    • “Way too short for the price tag, also very frustrating mechanics.”
    • “The game looks like it will be pretty fun, but it is a very short experience if you are familiar with this type of puzzle mechanic.”
  • stability4 mentions

    The game's stability is criticized for being buggy and poorly implemented, particularly in its puzzle mechanics, which often lead to frustrating experiences. Users report glitches in the grabbing and teleportation features, suggesting that the game may have been rushed to release without adequate quality assurance. While developers are reportedly addressing these issues, many players feel that the puzzles are either overly simplistic or frustratingly flawed.

    • “For a game that relies on puzzle-solving mechanics, the actual mechanics are poorly done and buggy.”
    • “Puzzles are way too simple (literally 10 seconds) or buggy and baffling.”
    • “After at least 20 minutes of positioning the light in different spots with the concave and convex sides of the mirror, I am convinced the game is too buggy and seems like it was rushed to publish without proper QA and bug-squashing.”
  • music2 mentions

    The music and sound effects in the game are praised for enhancing the atmosphere and suspense, with a hauntingly soulful quality that contributes to the overall mystery. However, some players feel that the experience is undermined by an abrupt ending that disrupts the buildup created by the music.

    • “The use of music and sound effects is great and adds to the suspense.”
    • “The music is suitably haunting and soulful, building an air of mystery throughout the game.”
    • “The music is suitably haunting and soulful, but it ultimately fails to leave a lasting impression.”
    • “While the game world is visually stunning, the music feels repetitive and lacks variety.”
    • “The soundtrack is forgettable and does not enhance the overall experience of the game.”
  • story1 mentions

    The reviews indicate uncertainty regarding the presence of a cohesive story, suggesting that the game may focus more on a series of puzzles rather than a narrative-driven experience.

    • “It is hard to tell from this if there will be a story, or just a series of puzzles to solve.”
  • replayability1 mentions

    The game offers minimal replayability, as it consists of a few light-based puzzles that can be solved through trial and error, allowing players to complete the title in about 10 minutes once the solutions are known.

    • “It's a handful of light-based puzzles that you can trial and error your way through. Once you know how to solve them, the entire game is completable in roughly 10 minutes with little to no replay value.”
    • “The game lacks depth and variety, making it feel repetitive after just one playthrough. There's no incentive to revisit it once you've seen everything.”
    • “After finishing the game, I found no reason to go back. The lack of different paths or choices means that replaying it feels pointless.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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