"Sanfu" is a suspenseful puzzle game featuring a mysterious story set in a Chinese town. In 2000, a strange old advertisement featuring a deceased boy with special abilities disrupts the local news channel. As players investigate, they uncover a criminal organization and navigate multiple perspectives in both the past and present. With unique visuals and puzzles intertwined with the plot, "Sanfu" offers a nostalgic journey through a mysterious, detailed world.
- The game features a highly complex and compelling story that resonates with nostalgia, making it a masterpiece from Shiying studio.
- The visual design and art style are exceptional, enhancing the overall experience and emotional impact of the narrative.
- The puzzles are engaging and well-integrated into the story, providing a satisfying gameplay experience that complements the narrative.
- The storyline is criticized for being lengthy and somewhat boring, with a lack of engaging interactions.
- Some players feel that the plot logic is flawed and that certain character deaths seem forced and unnecessary.
- The game is perceived as having a linear structure, lacking in horror elements and entertainment value, making it less appealing to some players.
- story11 mentions
- 55 % positive mentions
- 18 % neutral mentions
- 27 % negative mentions
The game's story is described as highly complex and compelling, evoking nostalgia and featuring a fascinating narrative, though some reviewers note issues with plot logic and redundancy. While many appreciate the aesthetic and emotional depth, others criticize the linearity and lack of entertainment value, leading to mixed feelings about the overall storytelling experience.
“Highly complex and compelling story about a highly nostalgic time.”
“The story is fascinating.”
“Good game, good story, good people and a sad ending.”
“The plot design is redundant and slightly contrived, as is the ending.”
“The game is too boring and lacking in entertainment, with a linear storyline and no horror atmosphere at all.”
“Although the plot logic is lacking, it still deserves a favorable review.”
- graphics4 mentions
- 25 % positive mentions
- 0 % neutral mentions
- 75 % negative mentions
The game's graphics are praised for their aesthetic appeal and atmospheric quality, with a unique art style that captivates players. However, some users note that the reliance on Chinese characters may limit accessibility for certain audiences. Overall, the visuals are considered a standout feature deserving of more recognition.
“Very good looking game; my girlfriend loves the story and its aesthetic. Very nice!”
“But those artworks heavily rely on Chinese characters.”
“The artwork and music really bring out the atmosphere.”
“Such an art style deserves more attention.”
- atmosphere2 mentions
- 50 % positive mentions
- 0 % neutral mentions
- 50 % negative mentions
The game's atmosphere is enhanced by its artwork and music, creating an engaging experience for some players. However, others find it lacking, citing a boring linear storyline and a deficiency in horror elements, which detracts from the overall ambiance.
“The artwork and music really bring out the atmosphere.”
“The game is too boring and lacking in entertainment, with a linear storyline and no horror atmosphere at all.”
- music1 mentions
- 100 % positive mentions
- 0 % neutral mentions
- 0 % negative mentions
The music is praised for enhancing the game's atmosphere, effectively complementing the artwork to create an immersive experience.
“The artwork and music really bring out the atmosphere.”
- emotional1 mentions
- 300 % positive mentions
- -200 % neutral mentions
- 0 % negative mentions
Players find the game emotionally impactful, often experiencing a mix of enjoyment and deep emotional resonance, with some even moved to tears.
“It was a fun experience that made me cry.”
“The emotional depth of the story left a lasting impact on me.”
“I felt a strong connection to the characters, which made the moments even more poignant.”