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Jonald '06 or How a Tiny Horse Living in New York City Raised 250 US Dollars So They Could Buy a Nintedo Woo On Launch Day

Jonald '06 or How a Tiny Horse Living in New York City Raised 250 US Dollars So They Could Buy a Nintedo Woo On Launch Day Game Cover


Jonald '06 or How a Tiny Horse Living in New York City Raised 250 US Dollars So They Could Buy a Nintedo Woo On Launch Day Game Cover


Can you guide the Jonalds to their prize? Jonald had never even heard of gaming before when they received a message from their future self through a dream. A gaming revolution was about to begin and they needed 250 USD TONIGHT if they were going to be a part of it. Starting from nothing but some lint under the couch, you must create more Jonalds and guide them to gaming glory in this idle automati…

Jonald '06 or How a Tiny Horse Living in New York City Raised 250 US Dollars So They Could Buy a Nintedo Woo On Launch Day screenshot

Buy Jonald '06 or How a Tiny Horse Living in New York City Raised 250 US Dollars So They Could Buy a Nintedo Woo On Launch Day

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