"Industria" is a single-player horror shooter game with an intriguing story set in Berlin during the fall of the wall. Experience a tight atmosphere full of mystery, deadly danger, and unique surrealist visuals. With 4 hours of gameplay, 5 weapons, and a memorable experimental soundtrack, it offers a dense and emotional journey, despite some optimization issues and bugs.

  • PC
  • Play​station 5
  • Windows
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Cloud
  • NVIDIA GeForce NOW
  • Play​Station
  • Xbox


Audience ScoreBased on 1,040 reviews
story positive mentions
optimization negative mentions
  • Engaging atmosphere and visuals reminiscent of Half-Life 2.
  • Interesting story with a unique setting and good voice acting.
  • Solid gunplay and satisfying weapon mechanics.
  • Very short gameplay, averaging around 3-4 hours.
  • Numerous bugs and performance issues, including frame rate drops.
  • Abrupt ending that leaves many questions unanswered.
  • story603 mentions

    The story of "Industria" is described as intriguing and atmospheric, set in a dystopian world that draws inspiration from titles like Half-Life and Bioshock. However, many reviewers note that the narrative feels incomplete, often ending abruptly with unresolved plot points and vague explanations, leaving players wanting more depth and clarity. While the voice acting and environmental storytelling are praised, the overall consensus is that the game is too short, with a runtime of around 3-5 hours, which limits the development of its potentially rich narrative.

    • “The story is intriguing and the voice acting is nice and believable.”
    • “The story, setting, and general atmosphere are what make this game interesting.”
    • “The story is interesting and mostly consists of a woman trying to find her husband.”
    • “The story is nonsensical and confusing for no good reason.”
    • “The story makes very little sense too... nothing is really explained, and then you hit the end where nothing is really explained either.... just a quick 'cutscene' where you are given a bunch of 'explanation' that isn't really explaining anything to begin with.”
    • “The story kept me interested enough and the voice actors aren't completely garbage.”
  • gameplay247 mentions

    The gameplay in "Industria" has received mixed reviews, with many players finding it uninteresting and lacking depth, often comparing it unfavorably to titles like Half-Life and BioShock. While some appreciate the atmospheric setting and the balance between exploration, puzzles, and combat, others criticize the simplistic mechanics, repetitive nature, and technical issues that detract from the overall experience. Overall, the game is seen as a short, visually appealing adventure that may appeal to fans of narrative-driven experiences, but it falls short for those seeking engaging gameplay.

    • “The gameplay is relatively simple (shoot your way into the next area without dying), but every aspect of the game is satisfying and polished.”
    • “Gameplay-wise it was a slow-paced methodical experience, a lot of walking around scrounging for ammo and supplies, a lot of slowly quietly inching through dark pitch-black buildings, with sudden bursts of gunfire.”
    • “Overall, it is an extremely enjoyable experience with a great story and fun gameplay.”
    • “The gameplay is sadly very short, and there are some translation mistakes and graphic bugs.”
    • “Gameplay is nothing you haven't seen before and feels underdeveloped.”
    • “Empty lifeless environments, non-existent gameplay, horrible gunplay, dumb and terrible story.”
  • graphics235 mentions

    The graphics of the game receive mixed reviews, with many praising the beautiful art style and atmospheric environments reminiscent of titles like Half-Life and Dishonored. However, players frequently report performance issues, graphical glitches, and subpar optimization, which detract from the overall experience. While the visuals are often described as stunning for an indie title, the technical execution leaves much to be desired, leading to a dissonance between aesthetic appeal and gameplay performance.

    • “You can see that a lot of love was put into this game when you take a look at the visuals, the artwork, the models, and how the environment is wonderfully crafted.”
    • “The graphics look amazing, especially considering this was made by a small development team with a limited budget.”
    • “Industria is a beautifully atmospheric game with gorgeous visuals and an interesting setting and story, clearly inspired by games such as Half-Life and Bioshock through its presentation of the world and narrative.”
    • “The graphics look completely uninspired and aliased as a result.”
    • “I can't for the life of me understand why, but I have the graphics setting to ultra, which runs just fine, and it still runs on a 'potato mode' setting.”
    • “The main issue here, and let me call out the devs, is that the optimization is totally messed up. I had numerous glitches and freezes, frame drops to single digits, and hilarious character swing animation freezes while holding guns.”
  • atmosphere220 mentions

    The atmosphere of the game is widely praised for its immersive and haunting qualities, often compared to titles like Half-Life and Bioshock. Players appreciate the combination of stunning visuals, a captivating soundtrack, and effective sound design that together create a rich, mysterious world. However, some reviews note that while the atmosphere is a standout feature, the overall gameplay and story may not fully match its depth, leaving some players wanting more.

    • “The atmosphere, pacing, and storytelling are quite good for a game made by only a few people.”
    • “The atmosphere is rich, making for genuine tension in some moments.”
    • “Industria is a beautifully atmospheric game with gorgeous visuals and an interesting setting and story, clearly inspired by games such as Half-Life and Bioshock through its presentation of the world and narrative.”
    • “Boring story and no atmosphere -- everything feels sterile and empty, but not in a dystopian way; just boring.”
    • “Apart from that I feel the game has little atmosphere, and is cheaply designed.”
    • “This game shoots for the stars but unfortunately it doesn't really escape earth's atmosphere.”
  • optimization214 mentions

    The game's optimization has been widely criticized, with many players reporting significant performance issues, particularly in later levels and on various hardware configurations, including high-end PCs and the Steam Deck. While some users noted improvements after patches, the overall consensus is that the game suffers from stuttering, frame drops, and bugs that detract from the experience, leading to calls for better optimization in future updates. Despite its appealing visuals and engaging gameplay, the lack of polish in performance remains a major drawback for many players.

    • “The game looked gorgeous and seemed really great performance-wise.”
    • “I hope the sequel is better optimized because I do like the game.”
    • “Aside from the performance issues, Industria is a really good and interesting game; it is very reminiscent of Half-Life.”
    • “Unfortunately, it's just an unoptimized abandoned mess.”
    • “The main issue here is that the optimization is totally broken; I had numerous glitches and freezes, frame drops to single digits, and hilarious character swing animation freezes while holding guns.”
    • “The game looks great, but it should be said it is quite poorly optimized.”
  • music88 mentions

    The music in the game has received widespread acclaim for its atmospheric and haunting qualities, effectively enhancing the overall mood and immersion. While many players praised the soundtrack as fantastic and fitting for the game's mysterious and dystopian setting, some noted inconsistencies, such as moments of silence or abrupt stops in the music. Overall, the sound design and music are considered standout features that contribute significantly to the game's emotional and immersive experience.

    • “The music is a delight; I love the allegory to the Library of Babel as well.”
    • “The atmosphere and music are haunting and beautiful; the set-pieces and dystopian setting are inspired and really pull you in for the most part.”
    • “The music that accompanies this title is astounding, eerie, and peaceful all at the same time.”
    • “I wasn't a fan of the music when the game started throughout the first level, as it didn't set the mood correctly, to the point that I almost muted it. But after that, it got much better and kept the right atmosphere.”
    • “90% of the time, you're inside factories or apartments with nothing particular about them, and the soundtrack (music and sounds) is non-existent, so much that it feels off when it appears (which is like…5% of the game or less).”
    • “The game has no music, not even ambient backing tracks, for like 90% of the runtime.”
  • stability65 mentions

    The game's stability has been widely criticized, with numerous reports of bugs, graphical glitches, and performance issues, including crashes and freezing during gameplay. While some players found the experience enjoyable despite these technical shortcomings, many noted that the game's optimization is poor, leading to frustrating moments that detract from the overall experience. Overall, the game is described as "buggy" and "unpolished," with a mix of minor and major glitches impacting gameplay.

    • “Mostly the game is bug-free and is fairly stable.”
    • “The game looks and runs great; gameplay feels really good.”
    • “Crashes at random moments, crashes loading new areas, the 4 seconds the game freezes when you try to manually save, enemies' audio coming out of nowhere (and stopping out of nowhere), enemies running sound never stopping because they got stuck somewhere (and it is freaking loud), no soundtrack, soundtrack stopping abruptly, no sound for shots, not being able to grab notes (no prompt appearing), not being able to grab ammo (it was not full), AI randomly turning off, and the physics going crazy and yeeting you if you so dare be close to a box you threw.”
    • “The main issue here and let me call out the devs which have noted this on the community page but the optimization is totally messed up, I had numerous glitches and freezes, frame drops to single digits and hilarious character swing animation freezes while holding guns. I played with the settings and yes it should be able to handle ultra no problem but for some reason I was getting flashing white lighting all over my screen like a strobe light when I played with the shadow levels in graphic settings. Overall buggy, poorly optimized... now refunded.”
    • “The game breaking bugs and glitches have a really detrimental impact on an otherwise competent game (as of now).”
  • emotional27 mentions

    The emotional aspect of the game received mixed reviews, with some players praising the touching narrative and character interactions, particularly between Brent and Nora, which added depth to the experience. However, others criticized the dialogue for being stilted and lacking genuine emotional impact, leading to a disconnect during key moments. Overall, while there are heartfelt sequences and a strong atmosphere, the execution of emotional elements varies significantly among players.

    • “The story often has various emotional and surreal sequences which had me engaged throughout, and the dystopian, overrun cityscape that you find yourself traversing after the intro is always a treat to walk around, with the soundtrack only elevating it, as there were various moments where I just stopped and took it all in.”
    • “I was especially impressed by the little moments of humanity, especially between Nora and Brent; their conversations had a lot more emotional punch to them than I was expecting.”
    • “And that's not even mentioning a couple of genuinely emotional and poignant moments the game handles really well, thanks to the characters Nora and Brent who have a really great chemistry in their interactions.”
    • “Boring story and no atmosphere -- everything feels sterile and empty, but not in a dystopian way; just boring.”
    • “Uninteresting gameplay, horrible gunplay with guns that can be split into two categories: shotgun and useless; boring story and then the game just stops.”
  • replayability17 mentions

    Overall, the game's replayability is generally viewed as limited, with many players noting its short playtime of around 3 to 7 hours and a lack of additional content such as multiplayer or mod support. While some enjoyed the gameplay enough to consider replaying it, the consensus is that the absence of varied experiences or challenges significantly diminishes its long-term appeal. A few players mentioned the existence of a hardcore mode as a potential boost to replayability, but this was not enough to satisfy most reviewers.

    • “It doesn't have the replay value of a game like Fallout 4, but I can see myself playing through again in a few months.”
    • “You shouldn't expect a huge amount of playtime from this indie FPS, but luckily there is a hardcore mode which provides enough replayability.”
    • “Highly replayable.”
    • “I enjoyed the gameplay a lot, but it has limited replayability and it's too short (took me 7 hours).”
    • “It's only 3 hours and there's zero replay value.”
    • “While I believe that shorter games are valuable, ultimately this game, in my opinion, cannot justify its price when, for me, it ran for as long as a longer movie while being more expensive than a movie ticket and has no replayability.”
  • grinding6 mentions

    Reviews indicate that the grinding aspect of the game is perceived as tedious and lacking enjoyment, with players expressing frustration over the repetitive nature of the gameplay. Many find it overly burdensome, comparing it unfavorably to other titles and suggesting that it detracts from the overall experience.

    • “You'll need a second life for grinding.”
    • “Grinding is a rewarding experience that keeps you engaged.”
    • “The grind is satisfying and offers a sense of progression.”
    • “But then it is just tedious and void of fun.”
    • “I agree with one of the other comments -- this game just feels tedious.”
    • “I came from playing Ghostwire: Tokyo, which was super tedious and boring and way too big for its own good.”
  • humor6 mentions

    The humor in the game is highlighted by funny enemies, amusing glitches, and a nostalgic design that evokes classic gaming frustrations, making for a lighthearted experience. Players appreciate the comedic elements, even amidst technical issues like optimization problems and bugs, which add an unintended layer of humor. Overall, while the game offers a funny and engaging world, its performance issues detract from the experience for some players.

    • “It's not a problem at all, you can rebind that, that's just too funny not to mention.”
    • “I found myself always being sucked into the world even if a funny bug happens.”
    • “I think the game is really funny and enticing, at least for my taste.”
  • character development4 mentions

    Character development in the game received mixed reviews; while some players appreciated the narrative depth in dystopian sci-fi elements, others criticized the lack of explanation and build-up regarding key plot points, particularly the Atlas Project, leading to a feeling of insufficient character development.

    • “I love dystopian sci-fi games that feature well-developed characters and a compelling plot.”
    • “The narrative and character development in this game are truly impressive.”
    • “The game was lacking in character development, story-wise.”
    • “There was little explanation of what the Atlas Project is, no build-up, and no character development.”
    • “I love dystopian sci-fi games that have a well-developed set of characters and plot.”
  • monetization2 mentions

    The monetization aspect of the game is not directly addressed in the reviews, but players express dissatisfaction with the gun mechanics, particularly the aiming down sights (ADS) feature, which feels awkward and affects gameplay negatively. This could imply that the monetization strategy may not be well-aligned with player expectations for a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative


Play time

4hMedian play time
4hAverage play time
4-5hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 25 analyzed playthroughs


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