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Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z Game Cover
33%Game Brain Score
33% User Score Based on 6 reviews


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Dragon Ball Z Game Cover


Dragon Ball Z is a 2D fighting game, based on the popular manga and anime. The game is loosely based on the second saga "Z": fight against Frieza. The player has 8 playable characters to choose: Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Racoome, Burter, Ginyu and Frieza. All characters can fly, and have several special, characteristic moves (like Kamehameha, Masenko, Makankosappo etc.). The rules are simple -…

Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot
Dragon Ball Z screenshot


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