BioShock 2 Game Cover

Bioshock 2: Rapture Edition is a UK exclusive only available at The Rapture Edition includes the game and a hardcover book "Deco Devolution - The Art of Bioshock 2"

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Audience ScoreBased on 5,525 reviews
story positive mentions
grinding negative mentions
  • story2,666 mentions

    The story of *Bioshock 2* is generally viewed as less impactful than its predecessor, with many reviewers noting that it lacks the depth and surprising twists that made the first game memorable. However, it offers a more personal narrative centered around the bond between a Big Daddy and his Little Sister, which some players found emotionally engaging. While the gameplay mechanics have improved, the storyline is often described as straightforward and less innovative, making it feel more like an extension of the original rather than a standalone sequel.

    • “The originality of *Bioshock 2* comes in its intimate, personal story—this isn’t just about saving a city; it’s about family and the bond between a Big Daddy and his Little Sister.”
    • “*Bioshock 2* is more than just a sequel—it’s a deeply personal story about family, morality, and survival.”
    • “The story is well written, well paced, and at times very moving.”
    • “The story isn't as good as the first one.”
    • “The story is lame and I was not really into it at any moment; I did not find it interesting at all.”
    • “The story is far more emotionally driven than in the first game, not to mention better-paced.”
  • gameplay1,456 mentions

    Bioshock 2's gameplay has been widely praised for its significant improvements over the original, particularly with the introduction of dual-wielding weapons and plasmids, which enhances combat fluidity. Players appreciate the refined mechanics, such as a more streamlined hacking system and the engaging little sister dynamic, although some feel the story lacks the depth of its predecessor. Overall, the gameplay is considered more enjoyable and polished, making it a solid sequel for fans of the series.

    • “The improved gameplay mechanics and the deeper dive into Rapture's lore are commendable.”
    • “The gameplay is where Bioshock 2 shines.”
    • “The gameplay mechanics are brilliantly refined, resulting in much more fluid combat.”
    • “The gameplay is boring, the same plasmids with a few interesting exceptions.”
    • “The gameplay is not any better than it was in bioshock, either - there are some minor improvements, but the problem lies in the fact that ultimately, the gameplay was never all that great, and the changes were barely noticeable.”
    • “The gameplay however is a small improvement compared to #1.”
  • graphics482 mentions

    The graphics of Bioshock 2 are generally praised for holding up well despite being a 2010 release, with many players noting improvements in detail and visual fidelity compared to the first game. However, some users report issues with high graphics settings causing crashes, suggesting that lower settings may be necessary for stability. Overall, while the graphics may not be groundbreaking, they effectively contribute to the game's atmospheric and immersive experience.

    • “The visuals are a mix of dystopian decay and captivating beauty.”
    • “The graphics are beautiful and the storyline is very engaging and kept my interest till the end.”
    • “With stunning visuals, a compelling narrative, and deep gameplay, it's a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike.”
    • “The graphics are a huge step forward from the first game, though the horror aspect that made the first one so scary is missing.”
    • “For some reason, Bioshock 2 takes up a ridiculous amount of graphics power, and is known for its occasional crashes because of this; for example, my computer can handle Bioshock 1 and even Bioshock Infinite on medium graphics, but for some reason can’t even handle Bioshock 2 on the lowest graphics settings.”
    • “The same low-res textures and effects are intact, and with the exception of new plasmid effects and a few minor tweaks, the technical graphics remain the same as they were in 2007.”
  • atmosphere301 mentions

    The atmosphere in "Bioshock 2" is widely praised for its immersive and haunting qualities, effectively capturing the eerie essence of the underwater city of Rapture. While many reviewers note that it doesn't quite reach the same heights as its predecessor, the game still delivers a captivating environment filled with rich details, emotional depth, and a strong sense of place, making it a compelling experience for fans of atmospheric storytelling. Overall, the combination of stunning visuals, sound design, and world-building contributes to an engaging atmosphere that enhances the gameplay.

    • “The art design remains top-notch, with Rapture continuing to be one of the most atmospheric settings in gaming.”
    • “The atmosphere is some of the best in any game I have ever played.”
    • “The atmosphere, gameplay, level design, and everything else in this game are just top-notch.”
    • “The atmosphere is not as vibrant as before and it's dark and gloomy.”
    • “The atmosphere, gameplay, level design, and everything else in this game are just top notch.”
    • “The scares/thrills from the first game’s atmosphere are not the same in this sequel.”
  • music162 mentions

    The music in the game is widely praised for its atmospheric and immersive qualities, effectively enhancing the eerie and emotional tone of the gameplay. Reviewers highlight the excellent selection of licensed tracks, particularly jazz, alongside a well-composed original soundtrack that complements key moments and battles. While some users noted occasional bugs affecting music playback, the overall consensus is that the soundtrack significantly contributes to the game's enduring appeal and emotional impact.

    • “The music perfectly matches the atmosphere.”
    • “The soundtrack gives off a very eerie vibe and I can't help but love it.”
    • “The incredibly immersive atmosphere, the gameplay that never left me bored or feeling disinterested, the music that is so sparingly used that it simply drips with emotion when it plays.”
    • “The only issue I can point out is that the sound design and music was a bit weird for me... other than that I don't understand why many people just ignore or dislike this one.”
    • “Soo many bugs, even with disabled DX10, a lot of random crashes, music and sound are not working as expected.”
    • “Scene-triggered background music loops infinitely despite said scene being long over.”
  • emotional138 mentions

    The emotional aspect of *Bioshock 2* is widely praised for its depth and character development, particularly through the poignant relationship between the Big Daddy and Little Sister, which adds significant emotional weight to the narrative. Players report being deeply affected by the game's moral dilemmas and multiple endings, often leading to heartfelt reactions, including tears during the conclusion. Overall, the game is recognized for its ability to evoke strong emotions, making it a compelling experience that resonates with players on a personal level.

    • “You're not a mere pawn in someone else's game; you're fighting for someone you care about, which adds a whole new layer of emotional depth.”
    • “The dynamic between its two leads, the explorations of altruism, and the emotional story make for a better Bioshock.”
    • “The story is very touching, being a big daddy adds many more unique features, and the playthrough is very awesome, being able to become a noble warrior or a ruthless monster.”
    • “There is a lot of defending little sisters and fighting absurdly difficult big sisters, but the story is boring with very little to understand.”
    • “Boring story, but great characters!”
    • “They just reused the assets and packed it along with a boring story and bad gameplay.”
  • grinding64 mentions

    The grinding aspect of the game has received mixed reviews, with many players finding certain elements, such as gathering Adam and escorting Little Sisters, to be tedious and repetitive. While some appreciate the creativity in gameplay and improved mechanics, the overall sentiment is that the grinding can detract from the enjoyment and pacing of the game, leading to frustration and a sense of aimlessness. Despite these criticisms, some players still find value in the experience, noting that it can provide a sense of accomplishment amidst the grind.

    • “Long but not tedious game.”
    • “The little sister and escort sections are not tedious anymore either; they offer a nice break from the monotony of the main story.”
    • “You'll need a second life for grinding.”
    • “Defeating waves of enemies while the little sister gathers Adam is just very tedious and after doing that a couple of times you just can't be bothered anymore; it's time-consuming and just slows the game down.”
    • “However, the means to obtain Adam soon grows very tedious.”
  • stability60 mentions

    The stability of the game has been widely criticized, with numerous players reporting frequent crashes, bugs, and glitches that significantly detract from the overall experience. Many users have experienced game-closing issues and frustrating technical problems, particularly with the remastered version, leading to a consensus that the game is not worth the investment due to its unstable performance. While some players noted that the original version runs better, the overall sentiment remains that the game suffers from serious stability issues that hinder enjoyment.

    • “The game runs great.”
    • “This runs great on my Mac (a 2015 MacBook) and I don't even have to lower the graphics that much.”
    • “The original Bioshock 2 runs great, but just a heads up for the remaster, there are a few bugs/glitches I've run into.”
    • “This game is a horrendous buggy mess that I have spent far too many hours trying to fix, and eventually, I couldn't even adjust the controller sensitivity because the game wouldn't open.”
    • “I have about 16 hours of playtime logged, and I'm willing to bet a good half of it was spent troubleshooting, checking to see if various fixes worked, replaying segments, and sometimes entire levels... it got old, fast.”
    • “The other huge problem with this game is all the bugs, glitches, and the overall way it is set up.”
  • replayability38 mentions

    Overall, the game exhibits a mixed level of replayability, with many players appreciating the multiple endings and decision-making mechanics that encourage revisiting the story. While some find the single-player experience engaging enough for multiple playthroughs, others feel that the overall narrative strength and multiplayer options do not significantly enhance replay value. Ultimately, replayability seems to hinge on personal preference, with some players valuing the chance to explore different strategies and outcomes, while others find little incentive to replay.

    • “The decision-making mechanic regarding little sisters and the multiple endings adds replay value and moral dilemmas.”
    • “The ability to kill or spare certain key characters and the fact that such choices actually do have an impact on the story really adds to the replay value here.”
    • “There are 4 possible endings which make for a lot of replayability.”
    • “Other than that, there are not a lot of mods, but the game is still worth buying and playing through despite little replay value.”
    • “There's very little replay value because the story is so weak.”
    • “Replayability is left to personal preference, and the multiplayer experience is pretty much dead and buried at this point.”
  • optimization31 mentions

    Overall, the game's optimization has received mixed reviews, with many players experiencing significant performance issues, including crashes and stuttering, particularly on lower-end systems. While some users noted improvements in gameplay mechanics and graphics, the consensus is that the PC port is poorly optimized, leading to frustration and inconsistent performance across different hardware configurations. Recommendations for fixes often point to external resources like PCGamingWiki, highlighting the need for patches to address these ongoing issues.

    • “I'd recommend visiting pcgamingwiki for tips on how to resolve any remaining issues, as they have a wealth of information on how to improve performance and fix bugs.”
    • “The gameplay has been streamlined and optimized to near perfection compared to the previous installment, although there are some minor issues in terms of optimization.”
    • “Graphically it holds up better; things are sharper and it looks like the textures have a higher resolution or are simply optimized better.”
    • “Its terribly optimized and does not offer much.”
    • “Unfortunetaly this game is heavily unstable and performance differs from computer to computer, I was one of the poor saps that crashed after hitting the 'new game' and although I've tried several times looking for fixes and such, it never worked.”
    • “The game is very good, however the PC port is abysmal in terms of optimization.”
  • humor24 mentions

    The humor in the game is characterized by its quirky characters, witty dialogue, and absurd situations, often drawing comparisons to the dark humor found in titles like Fallout 3. Players appreciate the comedic elements, such as the funny taunts of characters, the hilariously chaotic combat mechanics, and the amusing interactions with the environment, all of which contribute to a lighthearted yet engaging experience. Overall, while some feel it may not reach the heights of its predecessor, the humor remains a significant and enjoyable aspect of the game.

    • “The funny thing is that in some very important ways, Bioshock 2 is better than its happily-married-highly-paid-architect-that-also-kills-at-guitar older sibling.”
    • “With all the grim humor, wonderful science, and rich melancholic history, this is one that'll keep you blissfully entertained for hours.”
    • “Plus, having the little sister ride on your shoulders and comment on combat as you go along is at times hilarious, or just cute, and a little sad.”
  • character development18 mentions

    Character development in *Bioshock 2* is praised for its emotional storytelling and refined mechanics, with a focus on the relationships between characters, particularly between the player and the Little Sisters. While some fans feel the shift from gameplay to character development detracts from the overall experience, many appreciate the deeper exploration of character dynamics and improved voice acting, which enhance the narrative's personal touch. Overall, the game is recognized for its strong character design and development, making it a worthy sequel despite some criticisms of its storyline.

    • “Bioshock 2 excels in character development, refined combat mechanics, and emotional storytelling.”
    • “This game focuses more on the story and character development than the first one did, allowing you to play as a Big Daddy, which gives you a sense of power and stature while still maintaining the free will and mind of a sentient human.”
    • “While the story isn't as interesting conceptually, the character design and the relationship between you, your little sister, and Sofia Lamb really make the playthrough worthwhile.”
    • “Bioshock 2 brought mixed reviews from the fans, though, with some complaining that it wasn't nearly as good as the first and not liking the change of focus from storyline/gameplay to character development/gameplay.”
    • “Character designs: splicers in general, but spider splicers and little sisters have an inferior look compared to the previous entry, although this could be attributed to lore reasons.”
    • “This is a first-person shooter which emphasizes exploration, story, and character development.”
  • monetization11 mentions

    The monetization aspect of the game has been heavily criticized as a "cash grab," with many reviewers feeling that it lacks originality and merely attempts to capitalize on the success of its predecessor, Bioshock. Despite these criticisms, some acknowledge that the game still exhibits a level of care in its development, distinguishing it from typical AAA cash-ins. Overall, the sentiment suggests that while the game may be financially motivated, it still offers some redeeming qualities.

    • “Thank you for the 2K launcher, broken Linux support, and more microtransactions.”
    • “The shameless cash grab of a remaster, if you can even call it that, somehow manages to add even more problems to the mix.”
    • “Her poor writing and weak story show the holes that this game was just intended as a cash grab.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

Buy BioShock 2

Play time

11hMedian play time
93hAverage play time
11hMain story
8-16hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 24 analyzed playthroughs


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