黄海之殇(Broken Heart in Naval Battle of the Yellow Sea)
- July 9, 2020
- luul11
游戏背景为1894中日甲午战争,你作为提督丁汝昌的副官打理北洋舰队的日常建设。你将扮演北洋水师提督经营水师,在一年后的黄海海战中与日本联合舰队进行国运之战。在有限的军费和政治影响力下,尽早提升水师官兵的技能、训练水平和士气,改进老化的舰船装备,进行人事干预并培养各位舰船管带。你可以通过种种手段来赢得这场大海战,再造华夏。游戏流程较短,但一周目通关较难,请注意舰队的士气。 The background of the game is the Sino Japanese War of 1894. As an adjutant of Ding Ruchang, you take care of the daily construction of the Beiyang fleet. You will play the role of commander in chief of the Beiya…