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Transformers Rise of the Beasts: The Game[BETA V1.1-UI update, etc]

Transformers Rise of the Beasts: The Game[BETA V1.1-UI update, etc] Game Cover
Transformers Rise of the Beasts: The Game[BETA V1.1-UI update, etc] Game Cover


As a huge transformers fan when I saw the Transformers Rise of the Beasts trailer I decided to create my own version. This is about Mirage who is trying to save Primal and Prime from Scourge who has captured them. You have to go against Terrorcons and Predacons trying to destroy you! Cast Predacons: Terrorsaur, Waspinator, and MegatronTerrorcons: Scourge, Battletrap, Nightbird, Electroshock, and F…

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