Swingzip(暫名) Delivery over the rooftop, as you Swing around and Zip about!盪繩滑索射鋼鉤,飛檐走壁送外賣! Swingzip is a 2d Grapple Delivery-man Platformer Game Inspired by Spider-VerseSwingzip 是橫向卷軸的競速送貨遊戲,靈感來自《跳入蜘蛛宇宙》 Swingzip is still Proof-of-concept state. It is undergoing a one-year development plan, to be released in December 2021. Swingzip 是實驗階段的遊戲。這遊戲將會持續改良,並預定於 2021年 12月推出。 Platforms 平台 Android and Web…