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SIDEQUEST Annual 1 Game Cover
SIDEQUEST Annual 1 Game Cover


What is SIDEQUEST SIDEQUEST is the best-selling monthly 'zine inspired by the gaming magazines of old. When I was younger, I used to look forward to picking up issues of magazines like White dwarf, Dungeon, Dragon, and just devouring the content. Even when the magazines had articles about game systems I wasn't running, I still love getting inspired and using elements of them for my own games.  Th…

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Games Like SIDEQUEST Annual 1

War of the Pips ImageWar of the Pips ImageWar of the Pips Image
Descent: Road to Legend Image
Fantasy Grounds Image
Solasta: Crown of the Magister Image
Low Magic Age Image
Castle Oldskull Module 15: Warriors ImageCastle Oldskull Module 15: Warriors ImageCastle Oldskull Module 15: Warriors Image
Dawnsbury Days Image
Talisman: Origins Image
Horizon's Gate Image
Geneforge 2 - Infestation Image