Mr. Prepper Game Cover

Mr. Prepper is about to be prepared. You know something is wrong, the risk of a nuclear war is in the air and you need to be prepared for what's coming. They promised freedom but dealing with your paranoid government is just another day in this survival crafting game; - Build an underground shelter - Craft machines that can keep you alive; farms, greenhouses, tools, vehicles etc. - Trade with nei…

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  • NVIDIA GeForce NOW
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Audience ScoreBased on 1,608 reviews
story positive mentions
grinding negative mentions
  • Very amusing game with a unique gameplay perspective that stands out from typical FPS or TPS games.
  • Engaging story with interesting characters and humorous elements that keep players entertained.
  • Fun crafting and resource management mechanics that allow for a satisfying gameplay loop.
  • The game can feel grindy and repetitive, especially in the mid to late game where resource gathering becomes tedious.
  • Combat mechanics are clunky and simplistic, often leading to frustration during encounters.
  • Some quests and objectives are not clearly explained, leading to confusion and potential soft-locks in gameplay.
  • story404 mentions

    The story in "Mr. Prepper" is generally well-received, featuring an engaging narrative that unfolds through various quests and character interactions, often with humorous undertones. While some players appreciate the intriguing plot twists and the satirical take on survivalism, others find the pacing uneven and the progression occasionally confusing, leading to a sense of grind. Overall, the game combines crafting and survival mechanics with a storyline that keeps players invested, despite some criticisms regarding its linearity and clarity.

    • “The story is pretty entertaining with a couple of twists as you go.”
    • “The game has a lot of missions and things to do that the days seem to pass too fast.”
    • “The story was surprisingly good and the music, while repetitive after 25 hours, was fantastic.”
    • “Unfortunately, the authors didn't find the courage to keep up the satirical mood they've started with, and by the end of the game, the plot deteriorates to your usual freedom-fighting American story.”
    • “The storyline is well boring, seems like it was slapped together last minute to make sure people had something to do; I had hoped that with it being a smaller developer, the story would be good and interesting, but they have fallen short.”
    • “The pacing of the story is horrible; the last 10 minutes have like 50% of the whole game's dialogue.”
  • gameplay265 mentions

    The gameplay of "Mr. Prepper" offers a unique blend of survival mechanics, base building, and resource management, reminiscent of titles like "Stardew Valley" and "This War of Mine." While many players find the core mechanics engaging and addictive, criticisms arise regarding clunky controls, repetitive tasks, and a lack of depth in certain systems, leading to a mixed reception overall. The game features an interesting premise with humorous elements, but some players feel it suffers from poor execution and insufficient explanations of its mechanics.

    • “One of the standout features of 'Mr. Prepper' is its engaging gameplay mechanics.”
    • “The gameplay is fairly simple but allows for flexibility to play as fast or as slow as you want.”
    • “The game mechanics make it fun, and the way the story is being told is interesting.”
    • “The game is fun and the premise is its best part, but there is some jank to it and some of the mechanics and systems aren't explained as well as I would like.”
    • “The gameplay is just not very intuitive even with the tutorial.”
    • “The gameplay is rather dull and lacks variety; it feels like the release was rushed.”
  • grinding171 mentions

    The reviews indicate that the game features significant grinding elements, often described as tedious and repetitive, particularly in resource gathering and farming tasks. While some players find the grind rewarding and enjoyable, others feel it detracts from the overall experience, leading to frustration and boredom. The game's pacing and mechanics can feel slow and cumbersome, especially in the early stages, but many agree that it becomes more manageable as players progress.

    • “The game is grindy and it rewards that grind by ending too soon for it to have mattered.”
    • “However, the story feels artificially inflated, the mechanics are grindy, and the combat is clunky.”
    • “The early game was especially tedious, trying to get everything going, being limited by all the unlockables that are tied to a story that is bland, at best.”
  • graphics86 mentions

    The graphics of the game receive mixed reviews, with some players appreciating the charming retro aesthetic and decent visuals, while others point out graphical glitches and simplistic designs. Many agree that the graphics are serviceable for an indie title, fitting the game's theme well, but they are not the main focus of the gameplay experience. Overall, the visuals are considered good for the genre, though they may not meet the expectations set by AAA titles.

    • “Mr. Prepper offers a unique blend of survival and crafting with a charming retro aesthetic.”
    • “Great graphics for an indie publisher.”
    • “The graphics are well balanced for this type of game.”
    • “There are graphical glitches and the animations are often pretty bad, but at the same time it has a certain charm - it feels like you're playing a YouTube ad.”
    • “Such basic graphics but won't load and crashes the moment you enter a game.”
    • “The graphics are dated looking, has this mix between plastic looking and cartoon looking, it doesn't work well I don't think, the game tries to give the appearance of more 3D than 2D as far as depth is concerned but it doesn't work well in my opinion.”
  • humor44 mentions

    The humor in the game is widely praised for its dark irony and clever comedic elements, often reflecting on themes of survival in a totalitarian state. Players appreciate the quirky characters, funny dialogue, and amusing scenarios, which contribute to an entertaining experience despite some narrative inconsistencies. While some found the humor hit-or-miss, many enjoyed the lighthearted take on serious subjects, making it a memorable aspect of the gameplay.

    • “Fun little time management survivor-lite game with a humorous story.”
    • “The comedic one-liners... split my sides, laughing!!”
    • “Mr. Prepper is a very funny survival game; it brings new stuff and good mechanics for a 2.5D game.”
  • music43 mentions

    The music in the game receives mixed reviews, with some players finding it relaxing and enjoyable, while others criticize it for being repetitive and monotonous after extended playtime. While a few tracks stand out as memorable, many users feel that the overall soundtrack lacks variety and can detract from the gaming experience. Despite these criticisms, some players appreciate the music's fit with the game's atmosphere and story.

    • “Wonderful soundtrack.”
    • “That soundtrack though... gets stuck in my head for days.”
    • “Great atmosphere, the music is on point, and I do love that I unlock new places at a good pace.”
    • “The music is a bit repetitive after 10+ hours.”
    • “After starting the gameplay, the music very quickly gets monotonous.”
    • “The music hurts my brain; how did the testers and developers sit through more than 2 hours of the same repetitive loops without their brains completely drying out?”
  • replayability35 mentions

    Overall, the game's replayability is viewed as limited, with many players noting that while it offers a fun initial experience, there is little incentive to replay once the main content is completed. Some users appreciate the mechanics and humor, but express disappointment in the lack of varied scenarios or branching narratives that could enhance replay value. Despite this, many agree that the game is still worth the price for its initial playthrough, even if it doesn't encourage repeated plays.

    • “Lots of replay value.”
    • “Unique game has replayability.”
    • “Strategic management of time and resources makes this game quite challenging, while I consider it holding up high replay value.”
    • “I don't really think there's much replayability except to try and find the mini-games.”
    • “Oh, also not much replay value after completing a playthrough; which you will for sure as there is basically zero way to 'lose' the game.”
    • “The biggest 'bad' points I can see so far is a bit of grindiness near the end where you're just gathering supplies to complete the playthrough with no real danger of failure unless you do something dumb, and the fact that there is currently no real replayability to the game.”
  • stability31 mentions

    The game's stability is a significant concern, with numerous reports of bugs, glitches, and performance issues that hinder gameplay, such as items disappearing, freezing, and unresponsive controls. While some players appreciate the developers' active efforts to address these problems, many express frustration over the game's overall execution and stability, leading to a mixed reception. Despite its potential, the frequent technical issues detract from the experience, making it difficult for players to fully enjoy the game.

    • “They seem to have an honest desire to produce a bug-free game.”
    • “Great resource management survival game; it runs great.”
    • “I have encountered a few bugs here and there, but the devs say they are devoted to making the game bug-free, and some of those bugs are being fixed at the time I am writing this review.”
    • “Unfortunately, it is so buggy during the tutorial that I can't get past it.”
    • “The game is buggy, with loot, quest items, equipment, placed items, and the prepper himself sinking into the floor, floating, randomly vanishing, and zooming around at ludicrous speeds every now and then.”
    • “As of now, I cannot recommend this game; it is just too buggy and is nowhere near as smooth as it should be. You click on things and they don't respond, you do a task and you have to double-click on the screen of some other part of the game to move the screen around, almost like a screen lock. And when you drive, the car takes forever to respond; don't get me started with the combat—it's not good.”
  • optimization18 mentions

    The game's optimization has received mixed reviews, with many players noting significant performance issues, including laggy UI and long load times, particularly on lower-end PCs. While some users appreciate the game's mechanics and find it enjoyable despite these flaws, others have expressed frustration, leading to refunds. Developers are reportedly addressing some performance glitches, but the overall consensus is that the game requires further optimization to reach its full potential.

    • “It's thrilling and pushes you further into optimization and micromanagement; it's hard to turn it off!”
    • “Fun base management game for those who like optimization and trying to make the most out of a day.”
    • “I think with some optimization and fixes, it has the potential to be great.”
    • “Simply this game isn't my cup of tea: horrible, clunky, and laggy UI. Considering that it's 2021 and this game is a 2D (false 3D) game, and my rig is an AMD 3950X, 64GB @3200MHz RAM, RTX 2080 Ti, it's really unbearable that this game is so unoptimized or poorly designed. At this point, I don't want to invest even a minute more; I filed for a refund.”
    • “The performance needs some looking at next since initial load times and overall system load for a game like this is a bit crazy.”
    • “Some of the performance issues (and some crashes) appear to be due to the game using an old version of the game engine, which was apparently from 2017 when the development started.”
  • atmosphere14 mentions

    The atmosphere of the game is widely praised for its unique blend of conspiracy theory and doomsday prepper themes, complemented by charming characters and engaging visuals. Players appreciate the dark yet humorous tone, alongside a satisfying progression system and well-crafted music that enhances the overall experience. While the storyline may be considered average, the immersive atmosphere effectively captures the essence of survival and resource management.

    • “In all, I found the conspiracy theory and doomsday prepper atmosphere to be done quite well.”
    • “The atmosphere, the characters -- I love it as a whole.”
    • “Great atmosphere, the music is on point, and I do love that I unlock new places at a good pace.”
    • “I was expecting much of the same as with This War of Mine, but they are much different in terms of the playthrough, story, and atmosphere.”
    • “Mr. Prepper's gameplay reminds me of This War of Mine, but with a bit more in-depth management and a more lighthearted atmosphere and story.”
    • “The characters are charming despite the doom and gloom atmosphere.”
  • monetization9 mentions

    The monetization strategy of the game has drawn mixed reviews, with some players criticizing the presence of ads and perceived cash grabs through DLC that should have been included in the base game. While a few users appreciate the absence of microtransactions and ads, others feel the game resembles mobile titles that misrepresent their content, leading to disappointment regarding its actual gameplay experience. Overall, the monetization approach appears to prioritize profit over player satisfaction.

    • “The game offers a decent price with no ads or microtransactions.”
    • “I appreciate that there are no intrusive ads or microtransactions, making the experience much more enjoyable.”
    • “The pricing model is fair, allowing players to enjoy the game without the annoyance of constant ads or in-game purchases.”
    • “So this is a decent enough game, though I feel the devs deserve a poor review for the DLC that's a cash grab and includes stuff that should have been in the game to begin with.”
    • “Honestly, it is obvious to me that the intent was a quick cash grab phone game because of how small the areas are before a new load and the way everything has to be unlocked.”
    • “This game has the same energy as those mobile games ads that are completely different from the app.”
  • emotional5 mentions

    The game evokes strong emotions through its touching story and character development, leaving players feeling attached and accomplished. The inclusion of wholesome elements and impactful moments, particularly during the ending, enhances the overall emotional experience.

    • “However, by the time I got to the ending, I was attached to the characters, and it definitely made me feel something.”
    • “Always a heartbreaking moment, as soon as that freakin' agent steps in your doorway!”
    • “The story itself is touching, and the end credits include a mini-game.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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Play time

34hMedian play time
34hAverage play time
20-50hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 20 analyzed playthroughs


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