Mind Zero Game Cover
A potential Persona-killer franchise once some flaws are ironed out. RPG fans will nevertheless enjoy the game, but those new to the genre might be put off by the grindy, linear nature of the game.
Starting at $6.55Buy now

Mind Zero is an action-packed dungeon-crawler RPG. Play as Kei, a high school student whose life turns upside down when he forms a contract with a “MIND,” a weapon/being with deadly powers. With the government and other forces trailing him and his friends, Kei will need to discover the secret behind “MIND.” Will these newfound powers help him or ultimately be his doom?

  • PC
  • Windows
  • Play​Station
  • Play​station Vita


Audience ScoreBased on 61 reviews
story12 positive mentions
grinding3 negative mentions
  • story26 mentions
  • gameplay17 mentions
  • graphics10 mentions
  • music7 mentions
  • grinding3 mentions
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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