DmC: Devil May Cry Game Cover
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DmC: Devil May Cry is a fast-paced action-adventure game that follows Dante, a Nephilim with powers derived from angel and demon blood. In this reboot of the series, Dante must battle his way through limbo, a twisted parallel dimension, to defeat the demon king Mundus. With a variety of weapons and combos, Dante's goal is to save humanity and restore order to the world.

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Audience ScoreBased on 5,840 reviews
story positive mentions
grinding negative mentions
  • story2,676 mentions

    The story of "DMC: Devil May Cry" has received mixed reviews, with many players finding it thin, cliché, and poorly executed compared to the original series. While some appreciate the modernized take on Dante's origin and the engaging action, others criticize the dialogue and character development as lacking depth. Overall, the gameplay is often praised as fun and fluid, overshadowing the story's shortcomings, making it a decent experience for newcomers to the franchise despite its narrative flaws.

    • “The story is engaging, filled with memorable characters and dark humor.”
    • “The story, despite what I said, is not offensively bad and can be skipped, as usual.”
    • “The story is surprisingly decent if you just think of it as a spin-off and not an actual story in the Devil May Cry universe.”
    • “The story and characters are thin and incomplete—they expect you to know DMC lore before going in, despite this being a reboot.”
    • “Very solid DMC gameplay and level design, but the story sucks, featuring underdeveloped main characters.”
    • “The narrative and direction work hard to deliver something intelligible and well-structured, but it's supplemented by dreadful dialogue and shallow concepts, effectively making this story sound even more childish and stupid than the previous ones.”
  • gameplay1,491 mentions

    The gameplay of "DMC: Devil May Cry" is widely praised for its fluidity, responsiveness, and engaging combat mechanics, allowing players to execute a variety of combos and utilize different weapons effectively. While some players note a simplification compared to earlier titles in the series, many find the gameplay to be addictive and enjoyable, with a satisfying blend of hack-and-slash action and platforming elements. However, criticisms arise regarding the story and character development, which some feel detracts from the overall experience, yet the gameplay remains a strong highlight for most reviewers.

    • “The gameplay is fast, fluid, and very satisfying.”
    • “The gameplay is really amazing and the story is incredible.”
    • “The gameplay is excellent and doesn't require insane combo memorization to look and feel fun.”
    • “The gameplay suffers from a lack of depth that this series has been famous for.”
    • “Sadly the boss battles felt like generic button-mashing and gameplay was slow and awkward at times.”
    • “The fighting mechanics are criticized for not functioning optimally, and it seems the developers could have put more effort into refining them.”
  • music872 mentions

    The music in "DMC: Devil May Cry" has received widespread acclaim for its energetic and immersive qualities, primarily driven by the contributions of artists like Combichrist and Noisia. Reviewers noted that the heavy metal and electronic influences effectively complement the fast-paced combat, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. While some players found the soundtrack to be polarizing, many appreciated its ability to elevate the game's atmosphere and keep adrenaline levels high during battles.

    • “The energetic and adrenaline-pumping soundtrack perfectly complements the gameplay, driving the action forward and heightening the overall experience.”
    • “The music is just beautiful, dark, groovy, and heavy.”
    • “The soundtrack is possibly the best in the series considering this game's reputation, with Combichrist and Noisia producing most of the soundtrack.”
    • “The music is terrible for me, and the general design of enemies and some of the ambients are not my cup of tea.”
    • “The music keeps the fighting intense as it plays screamo music, with an insane amount of moves, weapons, and perfect gameplay mechanics that give you freedom to move and kill in the way you want much like Kingdom Hearts.”
    • “The soundtrack is a mash of dubstep, which might not appeal to everyone, and while it fits the setting, it can be polarizing.”
  • graphics772 mentions

    The graphics of "DMC: Devil May Cry" have received mixed reviews, with many praising the vibrant art style and dynamic environments, particularly the imaginative design of Limbo. While some players feel the visuals are dated compared to modern standards, others argue that they still hold up well for a game released in 2013, showcasing impressive detail and fluidity. Overall, the aesthetic choices, though polarizing, contribute significantly to the game's unique atmosphere and engaging combat experience.

    • “The graphics are stunning and the controls are smooth and responsive.”
    • “The visuals are astonishing, and the world feels well established pretty early.”
    • “The graphics still hold up well and looks great.”
    • “Graphically, it's an oversaturated visual diarrhea with too much contrast, bloom, and effects making the screen really hard to read, which is, again, really bad for a fast-paced spectacle fighter.”
    • “The graphics are very bad as well; even in 8k DSR, the game still looks like shit!”
    • “The enemy designs are neat, but the graphic style, though it aged like milk, is at least coherent.”
  • humor178 mentions

    The humor in "DMC: Devil May Cry" is a mix of dark, edgy, and often cringe-inducing moments that some players find entertaining, while others see it as a departure from the franchise's original charm. Many reviews highlight the absurdity and vulgarity of the dialogue, with some appreciating the satirical take on modern society and corporate greed, while others criticize the lack of depth and the reliance on crude jokes. Overall, the humor is polarizing, with some finding it genuinely funny and others viewing it as forced or juvenile.

    • “The humor is great and the gameplay is some of the most fun I've had in a hack and slash.”
    • “The dialogue is just as hilarious because of the absurdity and cringe aspect; the story is mediocre but that's fine because again, the absurdity of how things are portrayed and the edgy dialogue of the characters is hilarious.”
    • “It's also ridiculous in a good and humorous way - a much welcomed departure from the self-seriousness of the old games.”
    • “Dante in this game is not funny, just vulgar and rude. Also, his haircut sucks. Vergil in the main games is cold and calculating; the only thing he cares about is power and will do anything to achieve it.”
    • “After playing this, I cannot go back to the writing of the original Devil May Cry because it is just so unfunny.”
    • “Dante doesn't make funny jokes; he only has unfunny jokes compared to this game.”
  • replayability139 mentions

    The game's replayability is generally praised, with many players highlighting the variety of difficulty levels, unlockable content, and collectibles that encourage multiple playthroughs. While some reviews mention a lack of depth in certain levels or story elements, the overall consensus is that the game offers substantial replay value, especially for completionists and those who enjoy mastering combat mechanics. However, a few players feel that the replayability is limited, primarily relying on difficulty adjustments and collectibles rather than a more engaging experience.

    • “Replayability 100% the game is meant to be played at least twice.”
    • “There is a lot of replay value as you continue to upgrade your character, and you also get those hidden collectibles.”
    • “The replay value is great, considering the different difficulty settings that change the game completely.”
    • “Graphics are alright, story is meh, character designs are shit, gameplay is alright, platformer and camera are shit, replayability is nonexistent.”
    • “Sadly this game doesn't have much replayability past the difficulty settings and some bonus stages.”
    • “However the replay value isn't high, for most people one playthrough is more than enough.”
  • optimization89 mentions

    The optimization of the game has received mixed reviews, with many praising its solid performance and ability to run smoothly on a variety of systems, including older hardware. However, some users reported issues such as stuttering, frame drops, and poor controller support, particularly for Nvidia cards. Overall, while the game is generally well-optimized for PC, certain performance hiccups and compatibility concerns have been noted by players.

    • “The game runs smoothly without lag on my laptop that almost crashes on a single-player Minecraft world, and the fighting is really nice. Even if you just smash a bunch of buttons or mess up a nice combo, it still looks epic.”
    • “It's an extremely well-optimized reboot of an already iconic outstanding series.”
    • “The whole game just feels really, really well optimized and polished.”
    • “What a terrible game, story, controls, and performance for a 2013 game which seems as though it is from the late 2000s.”
    • “Well first off, it's poorly optimized. I have a brand new PC and could only run the game on low settings without getting FPS drops and lagging/stuttering. Secondly, it's next to impossible to play this with a PS4 controller.”
    • “The stuttering is absolutely terrible and I never had any issues with that on PS3, PS4, or torrented versions.”
  • character development84 mentions

    Character development in the game has received mixed reviews, with some players appreciating the growth of Dante as he matures from a brash character to a more heroic figure, while others criticize it as shallow and lacking depth. Many fans of the original series express disappointment over the changes in character design and the perceived decline in meaningful interactions and storytelling. Overall, while some players find the character development engaging and well-executed, others feel it falls short compared to previous installments.

    • “The character development in this game is really great; we get to walk with Dante as he discovers himself and learns what he truly is.”
    • “To be honest, I think at the beginning of the game, Dante was someone you could have mixed feelings for, but I think he had some great character development as the game progressed, developing into a hero that made me proud to have played.”
    • “Despite what some people may say as 'lackluster character development', I grew to love Dante during this retelling of his origin story.”
    • “The character development seems kind of weaker than I would like.”
    • “The story is comparable to any Marvel movie or B-movie for that matter, too much talking, the usual 'don't kill the villain even though he screwed humanity through hell and back', some lines that I question if they needed to be there and an overarching 0 character development or meaningful interaction.”
    • “Review: the story was a bit half-assed, character development was shallow, and as such, the previous touch and flair that Dante is known for (balls, bravery, awesomeness, cool dude) and Vergil's nature (loyalty, skill, distaste for firearms, etc.) have been washed away and in their place are shallow, under-developed and uninspiring characters for whom no fan of the Devil May Cry series can connect to easily.”
  • atmosphere78 mentions

    The atmosphere of the game is widely praised for its stunning visuals, imaginative level design, and a powerful soundtrack that enhances the overall experience. Reviewers highlight the game's ability to immerse players in a chaotic yet captivating world, blending elements of punk and industrial music with detailed environments. While some characters may lack depth, the game's artistic choices and atmospheric effects create a distinct and engaging setting that resonates with fans of the series.

    • “The atmosphere of this game is great, while the soundtrack is awesome and a bop as well.”
    • “The environments were detailed and the soundtrack added to the game's overall atmosphere.”
    • “The atmosphere and the art style in all the missions were varied and some of the most creative that I've seen.”
    • “The atmosphere of Limbo is something that can't be transferred using words.”
    • “It could be argued that they take away from the atmosphere of the game, but it’s a hard argument to make considering the plot surrounding that atmosphere.”
    • “Its not gothic in atmosphere like the other DMC games.”
  • emotional33 mentions

    The emotional aspect of the game elicits mixed reactions from players, with some finding the story compelling and emotionally resonant, particularly in its exploration of Dante's past and brotherly dynamics. However, others criticize the lack of emotional buildup and depth in character relationships, leading to a disconnection during key moments, such as boss fights. Overall, while some players experienced genuine emotional engagement, others felt the narrative fell flat, overshadowed by repetitive gameplay and a lack of impactful storytelling.

    • “I cried.”
    • “Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake.”
    • “Dante's journey to unravel his mysterious past and dismantle the demonic empire is both compelling and filled with emotional depth, distinguishing this title from its predecessors.”
    • “Boring levels, boring story, and bosses that are repeated 2 or 3 times during the game. Just...ugh.”
    • “One of the coolest soundtracks I've heard, great atmosphere; however, there is little replayability, and the story is rather easy and very boring.”
  • grinding30 mentions

    Overall, players find the grinding aspect of the game to be excessively tedious, often requiring significant time investment to progress. Many reviews highlight repetitive combat, limited boss variety, and cumbersome platforming sections that detract from the overall enjoyment. While some appreciate the skill unlocks and combat mechanics, the general consensus is that the grind can feel monotonous and frustrating, especially in later stages of the game.

    • “You'll need a second life for grinding.”
    • “You'll need a second life for grinding.”
    • “You'll need a second life for grinding.”
    • “You'll need a second life for grinding.”
    • “How lazy were these devs? Did they actually think someone will enjoy this boring and tedious gameplay?”
    • “The combat becomes tedious because enemies further along in the game can only be dealt with effectively using certain pre-ordained moves, which eliminates your license as a player and makes the game inflexible and repetitive.”
  • stability29 mentions

    Overall, the game's stability is mixed; while many players report smooth performance with minimal bugs, others experience significant glitches that disrupt gameplay, such as freezing screens and control issues. The game runs well on various platforms, including Steam Deck and Windows 10, but some users find it outdated and plagued by bugs that affect enjoyment. Despite these issues, many still appreciate the gameplay experience, indicating that stability may vary depending on individual setups and play styles.

    • “It runs great in 2023, with fast gameplay and lots of collectibles on the side.”
    • “The gameplay is nice, not very buggy, the storyline is pretty cool (albeit simple), but truly, it's just a lot of fun to play.”
    • “Visually, the game is pretty, far more than most Capcom PC ports, and it runs great on almost any type of machine.”
    • “Even with mods, the amount of buggy interactions and AI, the godawful story, the mediocre weapons, and the nonsense control scheme destroys any fun that there is to be had.”
    • “Game is really fun but also buggy; it was fun to play but hard to enjoy.”
    • “No lock-on, color-coded enemies that ruin the flow of combat, worthless filler parkour/grapple hook sections, few bosses, buggy camera that fights your control, and button input glitches.”
  • monetization6 mentions

    The game's monetization strategy has received mixed reviews; while some players appreciate the absence of microtransactions and enjoy the nostalgic feel of early 2010s add-ons, others criticize the DLC as a cash grab that should have been included in the base game. Overall, the monetization approach has led to confusion and disappointment among some users, particularly regarding the game's advertising.

    • “It was a complete, quality, OG Capcom feeling action game that had no microtransactions, no monetization, just typical early 2010's add-ons, and most importantly - and this is a big one, and it really nailed it - it was fun to play.”
    • “The game's DLC is just a cash grab for the publisher and should have been included in the base game. I bought the game with all DLC while it was discounted for around the price of the DLC at full price.”
    • “Because of the confusion and mis-advertising, many people were upset with this game, and I realize why.”
    • “The ads made it look like some focus-grouped-to-death vanilla hack and slash that'd be painful to sit through.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

Buy DmC: Devil May Cry

Play time

11hMedian play time
21hAverage play time
9hMain story
8-32hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 19 analyzed playthroughs


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