- March 15, 2018
- Outer Planet Studios
"Protonwar" is an action-packed, multiplayer-focused AFPS game that offers both room-scale VR and non-VR play. It supports 2-player co-op, single-player, and PvP matches, and can be played offline against bots. Locomotion options in room-scale VR include teleportation-only mode and an advanced mode with multiple locomotion options, including controller gesture-based jumping and tricks. Be warned that advanced mode may cause VR sickness for some players.

- The game features smooth graphics and intuitive controls, reminiscent of classic arena shooters like Unreal Tournament and Quake.
- The developer is responsive and actively updates the game based on player feedback, which enhances the overall experience.
- The game offers a variety of movement options and gameplay modes, including fun mechanics like laser swords and advanced jumping.
- The player base is very low, making it difficult to find multiplayer matches, often forcing players to rely on bots.
- Some gameplay mechanics, such as the jumping system, can lead to frustrating deaths, and the bots are not challenging enough.
- The user interface can be confusing, and there are issues with controller bindings, particularly for left-handed players.
12 mentions Positive Neutral NegativeThe gameplay is reminiscent of classic titles like "Unreal Tournament" and "Quake," appealing to fans of old-school competitive shooters. However, some players, particularly left-handed users, have encountered issues with locomotion settings. Overall, the game is praised for its engaging mechanics and active development.
“The gameplay reminds me of the old 'Unreal Tournament' games, which I think is awesome. However, as a left-handed player, I encountered a significant issue in VR; the left-handed mode switches the locomotion to the right hand.”
“Nice game, active developers, funny gameplay, and it supports WMR (at least on my Lenovo Explorer). It feels like Unreal Tournament.”
“This is the kind of gameplay style that is needed to fill the old-school competitive shooter gap in VR gaming (think Quake and Unreal Tournament).”
“The gameplay reminds me of the old 'Unreal Tournament' games, which I think is awesome, but as a left-handed player, I had one big problem with it in VR; the left-handed mode switches the locomotion to the right hand.”
“This is an initial early review from a short period of gameplay (will edit review after more gameplay).”
“This is the kind of gameplay style that is needed to fill the old-school competitive shooter hole in VR gaming (think Quake and UT).”