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Mirai Senshi: Lios

Mirai Senshi: Lios Game Cover
Mirai Senshi: Lios Game Cover


Future Wars: Lios is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by Pack-In-Video, the same developers who brought us Die Hard (NES). In this game, you play as Cecilia and her army of robots. You must make it to Goinkia's castle and stop him from taking over. To do this, you must travel the overworld and select a location. Once you do, you must take out the enemy's commander robot and then …

Mirai Senshi: Lios screenshot
Mirai Senshi: Lios screenshot
Mirai Senshi: Lios screenshot
Mirai Senshi: Lios screenshot
Mirai Senshi: Lios screenshot
Mirai Senshi: Lios screenshot

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