- November 28, 2018
- Fortune Cookie d.o.o. Croatia. All rights reserved.
Kaptain Brawe: Brawe New World
CRITICS SAY: GDN GOLD AWARD- 90% | Adventurespiele.net - 90% | GameBoomers.com - 90% | PlayZone - 89% | Gamewortex.com - 88% | SpielMazagin.de - 82% | AdventuresUnited - 81% | AdventureGamers.com - 80% | AdventureClassicGaming - 80% | GameZebo.com - 80% | Onlinewelten.com - 80% | Betasjournal.com - 80% "It’s a delightful mix of past and future, and provides a whimsical backd…
