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FOOTAGE REC is an ultra-realistic single player first-person shooter. It uses the latest technology of unreal engine 5 game engine with hyper realistic lighting and graphics. So it gives the player an immersive experience. Developed by one video game designer, aged 15. FOOTAGE REC is very inspired of BODYCAM and UNRECORD which are 2 bodycam games similar to FOOTAGE REC. the game has pushed the bou…

  • PC
  • Windows


Audience ScoreBased on 10 reviews
graphics positive mentions
music negative mentions
  • The game features impressive graphics that stand out, reminiscent of high-quality titles.
  • Despite being a new release, the game is relatively playable with minimal lag.
  • The developer shows potential and creativity, indicating room for future improvements and updates.
  • The game feels unoriginal and heavily inspired by other titles, lacking individuality.
  • There are significant issues with AI behavior and level design, leading to repetitive gameplay.
  • Many technical problems exist, including poor optimization and asset loading delays, making the experience frustrating.
  • music7 mentions

    The music in the game has received largely negative feedback, with many players finding the phonk tracks repetitive and out of place, detracting from the overall theme. Critics also express concerns about the use of unlicensed and potentially copyrighted music, alongside complaints about poor audio quality and a lack of originality. Overall, the soundtrack seems to contribute to a sense of disconnection from the game's intended atmosphere.

    • “The phonk music blasting in your ear at the menu adds a unique touch to the game experience.”
    • “The soundtrack features catchy phonk music that enhances the overall atmosphere, even if it can get repetitive.”
    • “The music sets a distinct tone for the game, making it feel lively and engaging.”
    • “The phonk main menu music gets old quickly, and I lost the 'theme' of the game fast. It seriously feels like I'm in a TikTok edit.”
    • “This game uses copyrighted music and engages in illegal practices.”
    • “When I'm playing a game, I don't want to hear terrible phonk music.”
  • graphics6 mentions

    The graphics of the game have received mixed reviews, with some praising the high-quality visuals and animations, likening them to those of advanced titles, while others criticize the overall aesthetic as reminiscent of older games like GTA: San Andreas. Many users feel that the graphical quality is impressive but suspect it may be a superficial enhancement, potentially masking a lack of depth and care in the game's development. Overall, while the graphics are noted as a strong point, concerns about the game's longevity and authenticity persist.

    • “The graphical look and the low price are positive, which should tide me over until the release of Unrecord.”
    • “Good graphics and the best animations I have ever seen in a video game (like when you kill someone and then they fall).”
    • “At first, I thought it would be great to finally have a single-player mode like the future Unrecord, plus the graphical look like in bodycam.”
    • “Max graphics and the game looks like it came from GTA: San Andreas.”
    • “At first, I thought it would be great to finally have a single-player mode like the future 'Unrecord', plus the graphics look like they are from a bodycam.”
    • “I think many more games will be released in the future with this graphical look; it's nothing more than a reshade filter.”
  • monetization5 mentions

    The monetization of this game is heavily criticized as a blatant cash grab, with users noting that it relies on poorly implemented 3D assets and minimal effort in development. Many suggest that the game is not worth purchasing, as it can be found for free elsewhere, and express skepticism about future updates due to potential legal issues. Overall, the sentiment is that the game offers little value for its price.

    • “This game is a cheap cash grab of a cash grab. Do not buy this game; you can find it on Steam Unlocked for free if you're really interested.”
    • “I am certain this game is a cash grab and dead in the water. There's no care here; it's the bare minimum plus good graphics, and thanks to legal reasons, it probably won't be receiving any real updates as soon as the cease and desists start piling up.”
    • “A zombie mode? Ah, the classic early access lie. These are pumped out by cash grabs because they're very easy to make; in fact, I think Bodycam is also making one.”
  • gameplay2 mentions

    The gameplay is notably engaging, particularly on the "abandoned building" map, which closely resembles the initial gameplay trailer. Despite being only two days old, the game is already considered more playable than some established titles.

    • “Especially the 'abandoned building' map, which looks like a 1:1 recreation of Unrecord's first gameplay trailer.”
    • “The gameplay is impressive; it's a 2-day-old game (at the time of review), but it's already more playable than some others.”
    • “Especially the 'abandoned building' map, which looks more like a 1:1 recreation of Unrecord's first gameplay trailer.”
    • “The gameplay is a 2-day-old game (at the time of review), but it's still in a more playable state than some others.”
  • optimization2 mentions

    The game's optimization has been criticized for noticeable delays when loading assets, indicating poor performance overall.

    • “The optimization in this game is impressive, allowing for smooth gameplay even on lower-end systems.”
    • “I appreciate the attention to optimization; it really enhances the overall experience.”
    • “The game runs seamlessly thanks to its excellent optimization, making it accessible to a wider audience.”
    • “The optimization is poor, resulting in a noticeable delay when loading assets.”
    • “The optimization is really bad, and the music selection is even worse.”
  • story1 mentions

    The story is criticized for its unserious tone and frequent spelling errors, leading to a disjointed experience that fails to maintain a consistent theme, oscillating between serious and arcade styles. The overall narrative feels shallow and reminiscent of a TikTok edit, detracting from the game's intended atmosphere.

    • “The story is filled with tons of unserious text, like 'this is a difficult mission!!!', and is riddled with simple spelling errors. The main menu music quickly becomes repetitive, and I lost track of the game's theme—whether it's serious and gritty or more arcade-like. It seriously feels like I'm stuck in a TikTok edit.”
    • “The narrative lacks depth and coherence, making it hard to stay engaged. The dialogue often feels forced and juvenile, detracting from any serious themes the game attempts to convey.”
    • “I found the story to be disjointed and poorly executed, with characters that lack development and motivation. It feels like the writers didn't take the narrative seriously, which ultimately undermines the entire experience.”
  • replayability1 mentions

    Reviewers note that despite being a new release, the game demonstrates a high level of replayability, offering engaging gameplay that keeps players coming back for more.

    • “The gameplay is incredibly engaging; it's only been two days since I started playing, but it already feels more replayable than many other games I've tried.”
    • “Each playthrough offers a unique experience, making me want to dive back in time and time again.”
    • “The variety of choices and outcomes keeps the game fresh, ensuring that no two sessions are ever the same.”
  • atmosphere1 mentions

    Reviewers suggest that incorporating dynamic weather changes and varying times of day, such as rain or nighttime, would significantly enhance the game's atmosphere, creating a more immersive experience.

    • “The changing weather and time of day—like rain or night shifts—adds a lot to the atmosphere.”
    • “The immersive sound design and ambient music create a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere that draws you in.”
    • “The detailed environments and dynamic lighting contribute to an incredibly rich and engaging atmosphere.”
    • “Changing weather and time of day—like rain or night shifts—would add a lot to the atmosphere.”
    • “The environment feels lifeless and lacks any real immersion.”
    • “The sound design is underwhelming, making the atmosphere feel flat and unengaging.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative



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