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Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation

Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation Game Cover
Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation Game Cover


Book 3.5 in the Butoh Technomancy Series, Eight Dimensional Chess is a free in depth full color guide to higher dimensional chess and its spiritual usage. Over 80 pages filled with illustrations gradually walk you through how to play eight dimensional chess on a 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 board.We explore visualization techniques, divination methods, and conclude with an AI illustrated account of contact wit…

Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation screenshot
Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation screenshot
Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation screenshot
Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation screenshot
Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation screenshot
Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation screenshot
Eight Dimensional Chess: A Tool of Mystic Contemplation screenshot

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