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Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena

Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena Game Cover
Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena Game Cover


Ninth book in the Butoh Technomancy series, Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena introduces 40 new root words to the magickal constructed language vaibbahk ( It includes glyphic, postural, and musical orthographies for these new roots.   Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3 opens with a ritual poem called Saibwahdz, written in glyphic form with postures for dance, and AI i…

Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena screenshot
Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena screenshot
Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena screenshot
Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena screenshot

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