May 24, 2018SergesChateauDead Mist Watch Gameplay Wishlist Share Like Dislike PlatformsBuy Nowfrom $1.99Buy NowGet on Steam$1.99AboutThe plague have become people into monsters. Fight them and continue your journey to survive. Each night can be your lastGenres & TagsActionAdventureEarly AccessIndiePlay Modes2-Players Play with one other player, either online or locally, in a cooperative or competitive game modeMulti-Player Compete or cooperate with other players onlineCo-Op Team up with friends to complete levels or missions togetherSingle-Player Play through the game's story or campaign soloPvP Player versus Player - Fight against other players in real-time, often in arena-style combatBuy Dead MistThe Hordes of the Dead$1.99 See offer on Steam VideosGames Like Dead Mist74%244reviewsZombie Survival Game Online2023Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay16%62reviewsThe Region2019SimulationAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay40%40reviewsMortos2016Casual Action AdventureAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay52%89reviewsJ.A.W.S2018Casual StrategyAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay69%203reviewsScrewUp2021Survival Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay53%15.9kreviewsOsiris: New Dawn2023Open World Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay36%14reviewsAbstract2019Casual Action AdventureAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay68%176reviewsOutbreak: The New Nightmare2018Role Playing Shooter+7Add to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay76%7.6kreviewsProdeus2022Casual Shooter+7Add to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay69%245reviewsStart Over2024Survival SimulationAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplay