Collar x Malice Game Cover
Collar X Malice is a great way to get into otome games with its gorgeous art and excellent music and the perfect game to play before Collar X Malice Unlimited arrives this year.

"Collar x Malice" is a visual novel adventure where Ichika Hoshino, a patrol officer in Shinjuku, Tokyo, gets attacked and has a poison collar placed around her neck. She becomes entangled in the 'X-Day Incident' investigation, working alongside five former police officers to uncover the truth. The game features gripping storylines, character development, and decision-based outcomes.

  • Nintendo Switch
  • Play​Station
  • Play​station Vita


Audience ScoreBased on 100 reviews
  • story1 mentions
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative


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