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Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1

Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 Game Cover
Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 Game Cover


Christopher Columbus is an Idiot is a story about Christopher Columbus being an idiot. Basically! In an attempt to flee the country of Spain from his ridiculous debts, he swindles the Queen into granting him three boats to set out to discover the new worlds. Finding and repairing the boats is, of course, up to him. Sure, themes of colonialism and religion are explored, but it all takes the back se…

Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 screenshot
Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 screenshot
Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 screenshot
Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 screenshot
Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 screenshot
Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 screenshot

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