April 1, 2020DesunoyaYuru-fuwa Ball Wishlist Share Like Dislike PlatformsView Game AboutA doujin game by Desunoya based on the Touhou Project series.Genres & TagsActionAdventureFantasyIndiePlay ModesSingle-Player Play through the game's story or campaign soloGames Like Yuru-fuwa BallRainbow Aliceland2021Action AdventureAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeMarisa and Alice2008Action AdventureAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeRemiFla Spirits 22014ShooterAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeEins Ring2013ShooterAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeNantettatte Aki Shimai2019Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeTouhou Kouhentan2010Action AdventureAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeCastlemaze: Ojou-sama kara no Chousen2013ShooterAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeAlice to Marisa to Inakunatta Shanghai Ningyou2012ShooterAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeMaid Made Maze2013Action AdventureAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeYami no Rumia2012Action AdventureAdd to wishlistLikeDislike