Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Game Cover

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is a compilation release of Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World HD remasters with additional content.

  • Play​Station
  • Play​station 3


Audience ScoreBased on 40 reviews
story positive mentions
optimization negative mentions
  • The story is engaging with well-developed characters, offering drama, love, and great twists that keep players entertained for over 30 hours.
  • The battle mechanics are fun and allow for creative combos, making the combat experience enjoyable and dynamic.
  • The HD re-release includes additional content, such as new costumes and dual audio options, enhancing the overall experience for both new and returning players.
  • The graphics have not aged well, with the HD version based on the inferior PS2 port, resulting in lower frame rates and simplistic backgrounds.
  • There are noticeable localization issues, including inconsistent voice acting and translation errors that detract from the overall experience.
  • The sequel, Dawn of the New World, fails to capture the charm of the original, with a less engaging story and clunky battle mechanics.
  • story27 mentions

    The story of the game is widely praised for its engaging characters, dramatic twists, and emotional depth, making it a highlight for many players. While some critiques mention pacing issues and inconsistencies in voice acting, the overall narrative is considered captivating and entertaining, especially for fans of JRPGs. The sequel, while not as well-received as its predecessor, still retains a strong storyline that appeals to returning players.

    • “Now the story, oh, the story of this game is like icing on the cake.”
    • “I don't want to spoil anything, but I can tell you that you will definitely fall in love with each character and their story. Everything that happens is really cool; there's a lot of drama, love, and really great twists to the story, so you will be entertained for more than 30 gameplay hours. This game is going to become one of your favorites of all time.”
    • “The storyline is so intriguing that I just want to continue and see what happens.”
    • “I could ignore the different voice actors and the mispronunciation if it wasn't for some story elements that just do not work.”
    • “I never got around to playing this because I wasn't crazy about the game in the first place because I did not enjoy how the story and original characters were handled.”
    • “The story was what bored me a little.”
  • graphics19 mentions

    The graphics of the HD version of "Tales of Symphonia" have received mixed reviews, with many users noting that they appear simplistic and have aged poorly compared to the original GameCube release. While the game benefits from cleaner visuals and some frame rate improvements, the lack of detail in backgrounds and the decision to maintain a 30fps frame rate have disappointed some players. Overall, while the graphics are polished, they do not match the quality of more recent titles in the franchise, leading to a somewhat diminished visual experience.

    • “The game has cleaner, polished graphics based on the PS2 edition of the game that came out in Japan a couple of years after the original GameCube release.”
    • “The graphics look better, the gameplay is still the same, and everything you remembered from the first game is still here.”
    • “Though Tales of Symphonia Chronicles games (yes, it is 2 games) are not up to date in regards to graphics as Tales of Grace F or Tales of Xillia, it is an awesome game in its own merit.”
    • “However, the graphics have aged quite a bit since its GameCube release.”
    • “There is just a lack of details and simplicity in the backgrounds - with the blurry low-def graphics of the GameCube, you get tricked into 'seeing more' in the backdrops.”
    • “Just be prepared that the graphics look pretty simple and primitive compared to even 'Tales of Graces F'.”
  • gameplay7 mentions

    The gameplay is praised for its engaging fighting mechanics, which have evolved yet retained their core essence from previous titles in the series. Players can expect a rich narrative filled with drama and character development, offering over 30 hours of entertainment, though some feel the pacing may be slow compared to modern standards. Overall, the game combines classic RPG elements with enjoyable exploration and story, making it a beloved experience despite minor criticisms.

    • “The fighting mechanics are awesome; these mechanics were improved with the launch of new Tales games, such as Tales of Abyss and Tales of Vesperia, but the essence is still the same.”
    • “It is not as flashy as the new Tales games, but it is a wonderful RPG that still holds strong to this day and has a lot to offer in terms of story, exploration, and gameplay.”
    • “The graphics look better, the gameplay is still the same, and everything you remembered from the first game is still here.”
    • “My biggest criticism of this game is that, while great, it doesn't hold up as well to current standards as some other games from the time period. At times, the story paced a little too slowly, even for a JRPG, but the pros of the story and gameplay outshine these criticisms.”
    • “The graphics look better, but the gameplay is still the same, and everything you remembered from the first game is still here.”
    • “Same classic gameplay, though, and worth it.”
  • humor3 mentions

    The humor in the game is highlighted by amusing dialogues in sidequests that enhance character engagement, as well as comedic moments during battles, particularly for players unfamiliar with Japanese. Additionally, the new English voice actors deliver entertaining performances in skits, often surpassing their in-game portrayals.

    • “Every side quest comes with funny new dialogues between the characters, which makes you feel more connected to them.”
    • “Battles can be pretty funny for anyone who doesn't know much Japanese (like me).”
    • “There are a lot of funny skits in 'Dawn of a New World,' and the new English voice actors for the returning characters do a better job in the skits than they do in the game itself.”
  • music2 mentions

    The music in the game is a mixed bag; while some tunes are simple and enjoyable, others can be grating. Overall, it retains the classic charm associated with the franchise, featuring beloved characters and a solid story, along with some new elements to keep it fresh.

    • “It still has all the same classic characters, a fantastic story, and good music it has always had, plus some extras to keep things new and interesting!”
  • replayability1 mentions

    The game offers high replayability due to an abundance of side quests available even after completing the main storyline, providing players with plenty of additional content to explore.

    • “The replay value is incredible; even after finishing the main game, there are still countless side quests to complete.”
    • “Each playthrough offers a unique experience, making you want to dive back in and explore different choices.”
    • “The variety of character builds and story paths ensures that no two playthroughs feel the same.”
    • “The replay value is minimal; once you complete the main game, there's little incentive to return.”
    • “After finishing the main storyline, I found the side quests repetitive and uninteresting, which really hurt the game's replayability.”
    • “While there are side quests available, they lack variety and depth, making it hard to feel motivated to replay the game.”
  • optimization1 mentions

    The game experiences notable optimization issues, including frame rate drops and stuttering during transitions on the world map, which can detract from the overall experience, though many players still appreciate the game despite these flaws.

    • “Weird frame rate issues and stuttering on the world map when loading another section detract from the experience, even though I still love the game for what it is.”
    • “The optimization is lacking, leading to frequent performance drops that disrupt gameplay.”
    • “I encountered numerous bugs and glitches that severely impacted my enjoyment of the game.”
  • stability1 mentions

    Overall, users report minor audio glitches, such as missing dialogue and brief periods of silence, occurring early in the game. However, these issues are generally considered minor and do not significantly detract from the overall experience, with few additional problems noted thereafter.

    • “It's not a perfect copy; I've noticed a few audio glitches hardly an hour into the first game, including one completely missing line of dialogue and a few odd gaps of dead air. While these are minor annoyances, I haven't really minded them, and I haven't noticed many, if any, more issues since.”
    • “The game crashes frequently, making it nearly unplayable at times. I've lost progress multiple times due to these stability issues.”
    • “I experienced several freezes and bugs that disrupted my gameplay experience. It's frustrating when a game has so much potential but is held back by technical problems.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative


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