Summon Night 5 Game Cover
For the first main Summon Night game to get an English release, Summon Night 5 for the PSP does a great job of showcasing the enjoyable combat and descriptive storytelling that the series has come to be known for. While not all that unique or different, it is still an experience that strategy RPG fans will appreciate – localisation issues and all. Update (20th February, 2016): Since going to press, it's been brought to our attention that the "localisation issues" mentioned in this review are intentional and are used to reflect the personalities of some of the cast members. This clearly went over our head during the reviewing process, but it's important that we add this correction to the review. Despite this error, the "localisation issues" that we noted in the review did not affect the score, and so our 7/10 stands. Apologies for the confusion. Sammy Barker, Editor

Summon Night 5 is a tactical role-playing game in the Summon Night series of games. The game involves the player moving characters in a turn based fashion across a large grid from an adjustable isometric perspective. At the beginning of the game, the player can chose to play as either a male or female protagonist, and chose from 4 separate "Cross" (partner) characters. Which combinations are selec…

  • playstation_portable
  • Play​Station


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