Star Wars™: KOTOR Game Cover

"Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™" is a Role Playing game with an interesting plot and ingenious game mechanics, set in the beloved Star Wars universe. The game boasts sensational graphics, a good soundtrack, and high replayability, but can be bogged down by lots of grinding and bugs. Despite its flaws, fans of Star Wars and RPGs will find much to enjoy in this immersive and epic adventure.

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Audience ScoreBased on 1,020 reviews
story positive mentions
stability negative mentions
  • The game is a classic RPG with a compelling story and memorable characters.
  • The port runs smoothly on mobile devices, providing a nostalgic experience.
  • The game allows for multiple playthroughs with different choices affecting the outcome.
  • There are frequent bugs, including corrupted save files and characters disappearing.
  • The controls for mini-games like swoop racing and turret battles are clunky and difficult to manage.
  • The first line of dialogue often does not display subtitles, making it hard to understand alien conversations.
  • story179 mentions

    The story of the game is widely praised for its depth, intricate plot twists, and strong character development, making it a standout in the RPG genre and a beloved entry in the Star Wars universe. However, many players report significant bugs that disrupt the narrative experience, such as corrupted save files and quest-breaking glitches, which detract from the overall enjoyment and immersion. Despite these technical issues, the game's storytelling remains a major draw, with multiple endings and impactful choices that resonate with players.

    • “The story is superbly written.”
    • “Great story, impactful side-quests, multiple endings, it's all there.”
    • “It's got an incredible story with awesome characters.”
    • “Unfortunately, I opened the sand people's gate before I got the quest for Griff, and it seems I'm just stuck with not being able to get him to spawn.”
    • “Far too many game-breaking issues, like at the very end it got to a point I had to reload an older save because going to any new area crashed the game. Then Jolee just disappeared after the rescue mission, never to be seen again, and just a message saying 'error, I'm broken.'”
    • “I lost one character to a glitch, and on Manaan, there is another glitch that won't let me progress in the story.”
  • stability126 mentions

    The game's stability has received mixed reviews, with many players reporting frequent freezing, crashes, and various glitches that can hinder gameplay, particularly during loading screens and dialogue interactions. While some users have experienced minimal issues and praise the overall performance, the prevalence of bugs—ranging from minor visual glitches to game-breaking errors—has led to significant frustration for others. Overall, the game's stability appears to be a major concern, impacting the enjoyment of an otherwise well-received title.

    • “It runs perfectly for me; I've played through the whole game twice so far and it has run smoothly with no glitches or crashes the whole time. The nostalgia factor is huge for me and this app does complete justice to the original game!”
    • “I never beat the game as a kid, but I finally had the chance to, and it was an awesome experience. I fortunately didn't have any of these issues others had with the saves, and my gameplay was bug-free.”
    • “No glitches or bugs that are worth mentioning; it's amazing having one of my favorite games of all time in my hand.”
    • “On the loading screen, the game freezes and then quits.”
    • “It's a great game, but I get to a certain point and it doesn't load; it just closes the whole game on me, and when I try to load a different one, it freezes.”
    • “The game is frustrating sometimes because the controls are also quite buggy. I know this is an old game, but updates and fixes always make it fresh.”
  • graphics80 mentions

    The graphics of the game are generally considered dated but still hold up well for a title of its age, with some users noting that they look better on mobile devices compared to their original console versions. While there are occasional graphical bugs and performance issues, particularly on older devices, many players appreciate the nostalgic visuals and the overall aesthetic, which complements the game's story and gameplay. Overall, the graphics are functional and satisfactory, especially for fans of the original game.

    • “The graphics are even better if you mirror your phone to a big TV (via Chromecast), and playing with a Bluetooth gamepad gives an experience better (and less buggy) than the original console release.”
    • “The graphics, though dated, are still remarkable and the gameplay on the Android port is superb.”
    • “Graphics are great, better than a lot of mobile games.”
    • “It's not a perfect game by any means; the minigames didn't translate well, and its age shows in the graphics, map size, sound, etc.”
    • “The graphics are dated.”
    • “Graphics are outdated but that does not matter one bit if you are emotionally invested.”
  • gameplay56 mentions

    The gameplay of the game is generally praised for its fun mechanics and engaging story, reminiscent of classic RPGs, though it suffers from some dated controls and occasional bugs that can disrupt the experience. While many players enjoy the depth and replayability, issues such as clunky movement, problematic dialogue options, and frustrating mini-games have been noted. Overall, the gameplay is considered solid, but improvements in controls and bug fixes are needed for a smoother experience.

    • “The gameplay is very fun, and the story is great.”
    • “Great gameplay and great story!”
    • “Knights of the Old Republic is one of the finest gameplay experiences that one can have.”
    • “Gameplay is fine and not too laggy, but it glitches up when presented with dialogue options and shows no text; as with merchants/stores, despite the device being named as compatible... disappointing.”
    • “The controls are terrible, interactions are overly complicated and most of the time looped, the quests are messy and you can't follow one quest timeline because there is no tracking system, but the fighting mechanics take the crown for the worst aspect of this game.”
    • “It's the worst fighting mechanics in the history of gaming, period.”
  • optimization20 mentions

    The game's optimization is a mixed bag, with some users reporting smooth performance on high-end devices while others experience significant issues, including stuttering, glitches, and poor compatibility with modern phones. Notably, problems such as missing subtitles, pathfinding errors, and low framerates on certain settings detract from the overall experience. While some players find it runs well on specific devices, many express frustration over the lack of optimization for newer hardware and screen formats.

    • “Performance is good.”
    • “So this runs on a beautiful 144hz display with no stuttering.”
    • “Love the game, it's decently optimized and all.”
    • “Also noticed some weird pathfinding issues and the game has major performance issues if playing while plugged in.”
    • “Horribly low framerates and performance issues made this awful to attempt to play.”
    • “This has to be the most poorly optimized piece of sh17 I have ever put on my phone!”
  • replayability9 mentions

    The game boasts high replayability, with users highlighting the ability to mod it like the PC version, which adds endless content and variety to playthroughs. Players can explore different paths, such as choosing between light and dark side gameplay, leading to multiple hours of engaging content. Despite some technical issues, the overall experience is enriched by a compelling story and enjoyable combat, making it a classic with significant replay value.

    • “Several dozens of hours for each playthrough, and super replayable.”
    • “Great characters, great story, the combat is fun and tactical, huge replay value and it runs really well on mobile.”
    • “Dozens of hours of fun and really amazing replayability.”
    • “Great port from the PC version; good game able to run mods on it after beating the game, but sadly no cheat console, which increases replay value for me. The turret mini-game can be a pain as you can't shoot and move using the touch screen. Sadly, my PS4 and Xbox One controllers won't function on this game, and trying to move with the joystick results in character swap. The red buttons (B/O) won't respond, and it's just a hassle. 3 stars for the port of an amazing story game.”
    • “Absolute classic, a little buggy, but once it runs smoothly, it's a treasure that's replayable and even has an extra location that was unavailable on my old Xbox version.”
    • “This can also be modded like the PC version, which adds endless content and even replay value.”
  • monetization7 mentions

    The game's monetization model is praised for being free of ads and microtransactions, reminiscent of the "golden age of gaming." However, some users express frustration with in-game purchases being blocked and criticize the game as a "cash grab" due to its poor port quality. Overall, the absence of intrusive monetization tactics is seen as a positive aspect, despite some technical issues.

    • “It's wonderful to see studios harkening back to the 'golden age of gaming,' an age free of microtransactions and loot boxes.”
    • “Also, no in-app purchases required!”
    • “Many have been documented for so long, you might think the publishers would have worked to get some fixes applied, but nope, it's another lazy cash grab of installing a touchscreen overlay for the interface and calling it done.”
    • “I've heard that KOTOR is a classic, and I was looking forward to enjoying it for the first time on my (less than a year old) Galaxy S10, but this port is just a broken cash grab.”
    • “This app offers in-game purchases, but when I try to make any, I get a prompt from Google Play that this app is blocked.”
  • grinding4 mentions

    Players find the grinding aspect of the game to be tedious, particularly due to repetitive dialogue and the need to revisit areas for quest items. While these issues are not game-breaking, they can lead to frustration over time, especially during certain gameplay segments like turret controls. Overall, the game remains enjoyable despite these grinding elements.

    • “This issue isn't game-breaking in any way, but it's still tedious and frustrating.”
    • “It may seem small, but over time it becomes incredibly tedious sitting through common dialogue you've heard 20 times.”
    • “Great game, entertainment for days. My only issue was with the parts where you have to man the turret on the Ebon Hawk; it's tedious and hard to maneuver the controls.”
  • music3 mentions

    The music in the game is highly praised, with users highlighting its spectacular quality that enhances the overall experience, particularly during combat and menu interactions. However, some players have reported technical issues where the combat music continues to play even when not in battle, indicating potential bugs that affect gameplay.

    • “This masterpiece more than makes up for it with perfect character arcs and voice acting, as well as spectacular music.”
    • “I can hear the combat music and all of the menus open up when I tap around the screen.”
    • “I can hear the combat music and all of the menus open up when I tap around the screen.”
    • “I need help! The game is crashing after I attacked the Sith Academy and left to transition to another planet. It loads in, but the game thinks I'm in a battle, playing battle music to a blank black screen. This happens after you get almost all star maps after attacking the Sith planet and will not let me progress anywhere else in the game. Please fix this now!”
  • humor3 mentions

    The humor in the game is noted for its quirky moments, such as the amusingly frustrating bugs and the turn-based combat system, which can lead to comical scenarios. Players also express a desire for more humorous crossovers, like a time travel plot featuring iconic characters. Overall, while the humor is present, it often stems from the game's technical issues and unconventional mechanics.

    • “The combat is hard to get used to, but the game uses rounds, so your characters and the enemies wait to attack until it's their turn, which is funny to see but makes sense.”
    • “Well, all Disney needs now is a time travel plot (though C-3PO meeting HK-47 would be hilarious...)”
  • emotional2 mentions

    Players emphasize that despite the game's outdated graphics, the emotional investment it fosters remains strong and impactful, highlighting the game's ability to resonate with them on a deeper level.

    • “Graphics are outdated, but that does not matter one bit if you are emotionally invested.”
    • “After years of not touching this game, I tried it again on a much newer phone and was surprised by the emotional depth it still holds.”
  • atmosphere2 mentions

    The atmosphere of the game is praised for its stunning landscapes and crisp visuals, creating an engaging environment that enhances character progression. While some graphics may feel dated, the overall ambiance remains impressive and immersive.

    • “The graphics are very good and, while somewhat dated, feature stunning landscapes and a crisp atmosphere.”
    • “Amazing atmosphere, environments, and character progression.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

Buy Star Wars™: KOTOR

Play time

21hMedian play time
46hAverage play time
8-30hSpent by most gamers
*Based on 16 analyzed playthroughs

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