Planets Under Attack

Planets Under Attack Game Cover
A fast-paced strategy game for adrenaline junkies wanting instant gratification for their victories, and no time invested in their soul crushing losses. It serves as a litmus test for those new to the strategy genre and wanting a game without complicated gameplay to make their brain explode.

In "Planets Under Attack," players must defend their home planet while attempting to conquer others, using strategic planning and real-time battles. With various civilizations to choose from, each with unique strengths and weaknesses, the game offers a deep and engaging experience. The goal is to become the dominant force in the galaxy by building and managing space fleets, and outsmarting opponents in this challenging and exciting strategy game.

  • Mac OS
  • PC
  • Windows
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Play​Station
  • Play​station 3
  • Xbox


Audience ScoreBased on 143 reviews
gameplay9 positive mentions
grinding1 negative mentions
  • gameplay41 mentions
  • story33 mentions
  • graphics14 mentions
  • music5 mentions
  • funny2 mentions
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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