ORIGM by Renato Murta de Rezende

ORIGM by Renato Murta de Rezende Game Cover

ORIGM Softby Renato Murta de [email protected] To play:use the arrow keys: left and right to move the ship horizontally up and down to select the color of the laser use the space bar to shoot list 1 BLOAD"x.b",R:DEFINTA-Z:Y=RND(-TIME):COLOR8,1,1:SCREEN1,1,0:WIDTH28:KEYOFF:CLS:FORT=0TO5:B=200+T*8:VPOKEBASE(5)+574+(T*32),B:FORY=0TO7:VPOKEBASE(7)+B*8+Y,SGN(YMOD7)*126:NEXTY,T:FORY=0TO13:REA…

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