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Monday Monsters Vol 1: Undead Rising DND 5e

Monday Monsters Vol 1: Undead Rising DND 5e Game Cover
Monday Monsters Vol 1: Undead Rising DND 5e Game Cover


Dive into Monday Monster's first volume, undead rising! Here you will find 10 new creatures for your Pathfinder 2e game! From the plague riddled musician known as the plagued piper to the grotesque undead drive by a ceaseless hunger of the grim maw! All new and deadly creatures, waiting for you and your table! Fell Husk: A fell husk is most frequently born when a humanoid becomes trapped in the w…

Monday Monsters Vol 1: Undead Rising DND 5e screenshot
Monday Monsters Vol 1: Undead Rising DND 5e screenshot
Monday Monsters Vol 1: Undead Rising DND 5e screenshot

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