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Lareissa Everbright

Lareissa Everbright Game Cover


Lareissa Everbright Game Cover


Bursting with equipment, Gwenaelle is set to deliver a holy relic to Fort Trista. To do so, she must power through the monsters that assail her by picking the right tools for each encounter. Consider Every Item Each and every item has its use in battle. With each use, the durability of Gwenaelle's weapons and trinkets drop and eventually break. Find the perfect combination of four pieces of equi…

Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot
Lareissa Everbright screenshot

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