EYOUGAME(US)Isekai Feast: Tales of Recipes Wishlist Share Like Dislike PlatformsBuy NowGet on Play StoreAboutThe Forgotten Culinary World, Rediscovered and Continued by You!Genres & TagsRole PlayingPlay ModesSingle-Player Play through the game's story or campaign solo +1Buy Isekai Feast: Tales of RecipesIsekai Feast: Tales of Recipes See offer on Play Store Games Like Isekai Feast: Tales of RecipesCulinary TourRole Playing+1Add to wishlistLikeDislikeCulinary Tour: VoyageRole Playing+1Add to wishlistLikeDislikeLina's viajeCasual Puzzle+1Add to wishlistLikeDislike76%22reviewsShenmue 1 & 22018Role Playing+4Add to wishlistLikeDislikeBaptism of Fire2022Casual Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplayNorthern Tales 6: Oath to the Gods Collector's Edition2024Casual SimulationAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeGladiEATers2025Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplayEnchiridion Alchimia2021Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislike40%1reviewIsekai Anthology2018Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislike41%2reviewsBlindfolded Chef2021Casual StrategyAdd to wishlistLikeDislike