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Huezzlelica: a Twitch chat puzzle game

Huezzlelica: a Twitch chat puzzle game Game Cover


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Huezzlelica: a Twitch chat puzzle game Game Cover


Huezzlelica a Twitch chat puzzle game by Antonio González Gea English Huezzlelica is the new game created by the mastermind behind Huezzle. Inspired by both Huezzle and Numerica, it has been created with the purpose of participating in the Numerica Twitch Jam. Huezzlelica is an interactive game for the Twitch chat, where your community will cooperate to reach the highest possible round. Ho…

Huezzlelica: a Twitch chat puzzle game screenshot
Huezzlelica: a Twitch chat puzzle game screenshot
Huezzlelica: a Twitch chat puzzle game screenshot
Huezzlelica: a Twitch chat puzzle game screenshot

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