Golf on Mt. Fuji with DLI by OxC0FFEE

Golf on Mt. Fuji with DLI by OxC0FFEE Game Cover

REM FUJIGOLF - Golf on Mount Fuji REM built with Turban (TURboBAsic Nifty) REM obsfuscated using tbxlparser REM requires Turbo-BASIC XL REM by Kim Slawson REM 2021-02-23 REM set up graphics mode, draw title, turn off cursor GR.0:COL.20:TE.4,0,"GOLF":POS.14,8:POKE 752,1:?"ON MT. FUJI" REM get screen location -- like scrlo=PEEK(88):scrhi=PEEK(89) but better scrmem=DPEEK(88) REM set up display list D…

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