Fruit ConfessionJuly 30, 20212MEDYA31% Game Brain Score Based on 6 reviews Wishlist Share Like Dislike View game Get on Apple StoreFind a way to get the fruit talking and confessioniPadiPhonePhoneMobile PlatformTabletPlay ModesSingle-Player Play through the game's story or campaign soloBuy Fruit ConfessionFruit Confession See offer Similar GamesAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeFast52%4 reviews2022PlatformerAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeTalking Jerry and Tom mouse76%757 reviews2013ActionAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeShow gameplayHungryMaster82%181 reviews2011Action+1Add to wishlistLikeDislikeEducation Games for toddlers24%2 reviews2016ActionAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeFluffy Labrador Puppies Salon48%1 review2019ActionAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeFluffy Pets Vet Doctor Care 229%2 reviews2018ActionAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeMy Virtual Pet Bobbie86%264 reviews2016Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeMy talking Booba74%713 reviews2019Role PlayingAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeFruits and Vegetables For You35%4 reviews2012ActionAdd to wishlistLikeDislikeScooter Delivery VR2020Casual Racing