Fantasy Grounds VTT Game Cover
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Fantasy Grounds Unity is a virtual tabletop platform for pen and paper role-playing games. It provides a rich ruleset library, character creation tools, and dynamic 3D environment for immersive gameplay. This Unity-based version offers enhanced features, improved performance, and modular add-ons for tailored gaming experiences. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned gamers to enjoy RPGs online with friends.

  • Mac OS
  • PC
  • Windows
  • Linux


Audience ScoreBased on 461 reviews
gameplay positive mentions
monetization negative mentions
  • Fantasy Grounds Unity offers a robust platform for playing tabletop RPGs online, with excellent automation features that streamline gameplay.
  • The dynamic lighting and line of sight features enhance the immersive experience, making it easier to manage combat and exploration.
  • The community support and availability of tutorials help new users navigate the steep learning curve associated with the software.
  • The user interface can be clunky and unintuitive, making it difficult for new users to get accustomed to the program.
  • Many essential features and modules require additional purchases, leading to a high overall cost for users.
  • There are frequent bugs and stability issues, particularly with the installation process and connectivity, which can frustrate users.
  • story18 mentions

    The story aspect of the game is highly praised for its depth and the ability to facilitate immersive role-playing experiences, allowing players and GMs to focus on narrative rather than mechanics. Users appreciate the availability of pre-written campaigns and the automation tools that streamline gameplay, enhancing storytelling and character development. However, some users express a desire for improved editing options within the story feature, particularly regarding text formatting and organization.

    • “I love it because it is one of the best mediums of self-expression that there is, and because it can be a deeply intimate and spiritual experience with people who you care about in a story where people overcome their problems and good overcomes evil.”
    • “As a roleplay-oriented player and GM, I like that the automation makes combat more efficient, so there's more room for characters, exploration, and story.”
    • “It means that as a GM, I can focus more on how I assist the players in telling the story and less on the bookkeeping.”
    • “When I'm DMing, my only tiny gripe is the 'story' edit options. It would be helpful to have the ability to copy and paste text and keep the formatting, even if it’s an internal copy and paste from one story to another.”
    • “It means that as a GM, I can focus more on how I assist the players in telling the story and less on the bookkeeping.”
    • “Playing solo gives me the confidence to understand the basic mechanics, setting up the character sheets, and then just forget about them while I focus on the story.”
  • gameplay16 mentions

    The gameplay of the platform is a decent digital adaptation of tabletop RPG mechanics, offering automation for dice rolls and basic game functions, which simplifies the DM process. While it includes tools for creating custom battlemaps and supports various rule sets, users note that the interface can be unintuitive and lacks access to essential handbooks, which may hinder gameplay for some. Overall, the engine is praised for its advanced line-of-sight mechanics and flexibility, but potential users are advised to explore tutorials and consider a subscription before committing.

    • “It automizes dice and basic game mechanics with no problem, and if you are a DM, there are official tutorials on how to code every variation you might need.”
    • “Not only does it harness all of the game mechanics, but you can create your own battlemaps inside it (it's included in the software package... with map animations and everything you might need).”
    • “The line-of-sight mechanics of FGU are more advanced than any isometric CRPGs I've ever seen.”
    • “You don't get access to any handbooks, even the basic PHB, and this doesn't even support basic gameplay. Things like sneak attack, grappling, etc. The map graphics are basic and hard to look at, and the controls are terrible with little in-game help available.”
    • “Since I couldn't really play at all, I can't give a review regarding the game mechanics, so take this review with a grain of salt, I guess.”
    • “I love the engine and how easy it makes so many parts of the DM process, but if you plan on buying this or the ultimate license, try buying the subscription off the official website first and seeing how you like the engine and gameplay.”
  • optimization9 mentions

    The optimization of the game shows mixed results; while users report significant improvements in performance and stability, particularly with the 64-bit engine, some still experience freezing issues when handling large asset folders, especially on certain systems like Mac. Overall, there is a consensus that while the game is becoming more optimized, it still requires further refinement to achieve consistent smoothness across all platforms.

    • “Huge upgrade in performance and stability compared to the original.”
    • “64-bit engine improves stability and performance substantially over the previous version.”
    • “Optimization: on my PC, I can run multiple instances without any problem; it's not fully optimized yet on Mac, but it's getting better.”
    • “Another problem is performance; even with a new PC with an SSD, when you open a folder with many assets, it freezes for a few seconds to a minute.”
    • “Optimization: on my PC, I can run multiple instances without any problem, but it's not fully optimized yet on Mac, for example. It's getting better, though.”
    • “And lastly, for its performance, I haven't had the chance to try it out thoroughly enough to comment.”
  • graphics7 mentions

    The graphics of the game receive mixed reviews, with some users praising the complexity and interface of the virtual tabletop (VTT) compared to others, while others criticize the outdated aesthetics and poor quality of map graphics. Additionally, there are complaints about the loss of high-quality artwork from rulebooks and a lack of support for basic gameplay mechanics. Overall, the graphical presentation is seen as a significant area needing improvement.

    • “Best graphics ever”
    • “But mainly because I find the interface, ease of use, plug-ins, and graphical presentation better than what I've experienced in other VTTs.”
    • “Some of the newer VTTs promise 3D graphics and the like, but until I find one that can match FGUs complexity under the hood, I am sticking with the tried and true.”
    • “The aesthetics are very old; for example, when you select the campaign folder, the selection window looks like Windows 98, and it also doesn't let you create a new folder.”
    • “The map graphics are basic and hard to look at, and the controls are terrible with little in-game help available.”
    • “Some of the newer VTTs promise 3D graphics and the like, but until I find one that can match FGUs complexity under the hood, I am sticking with the tried and true.”
  • monetization6 mentions

    The monetization aspect of the game has received largely negative feedback, with users criticizing the overwhelming presence of ads and numerous cash grabs, despite the free version not being significantly restricted. Concerns have been raised about the shift towards microtransactions and proprietary content, which many feel undermines the traditional gaming experience. Overall, the monetization strategy appears to detract from user enjoyment and accessibility.

    • “The in-app purchases are reasonable and do not feel overly aggressive, making it a fair experience for players.”
    • “The monetization model strikes a good balance, allowing players to enjoy the game without feeling pressured to spend money.”
    • “I appreciate that the game offers optional purchases that enhance the experience without being necessary to progress.”
    • “Those hopes were dashed upon the rocks of a terrible UI, a seemingly infinite number of cash grabs, and a profound inability to import custom content.”
    • “Incessant advertising.”
    • “It is an unacceptable change in the structure of the hobby, and it will lead us down a path of exclusive microtransactions, skins, proprietary virtual tabletops, and phasing out the tradition of pen and paper over playing from a phone.”
  • stability6 mentions

    The stability of the game is generally criticized, with users reporting frequent bugs and performance issues, particularly when handling large asset folders, which can cause significant freezing. However, some improvements have been noted over time, and while the experience can be frustrating, most users find the bugs to be minor and not game-breaking.

    • “While it isn't bug-free, the issues encountered are minor and not game-breaking, typically limited to just one or two during a long gaming session.”
    • “The game runs smoothly overall, with only occasional minor hiccups that don't significantly impact the experience.”
    • “Stability is generally solid, allowing for extended play without major interruptions or crashes.”
    • “Another problem is performance; even with a new PC and an SSD, when you open a folder with many assets, it freezes for a few seconds to a minute.”
    • “Extremely buggy.”
    • “Very buggy.”
  • grinding4 mentions

    Players express frustration with the grinding aspect of the game, noting that it has become more tedious and time-consuming compared to previous iterations. While there are improvements in map creation and immersive effects, the overall experience can still feel buggy and requires repetitive checks, detracting from enjoyment. Automation features help alleviate some of the tedium, but many still find the grinding elements cumbersome.

    • “Why change what wasn't broken? Why make it harder, longer, and more tedious?”
    • “The little tedious things that require you to check each line multiple times or have nasty surprises during play.”
    • “Automates (or makes it easy to automate yourself) everything I find tedious about D&D.”
  • music3 mentions

    The music aspect of tabletop role-playing games is highlighted as a vital component that enhances the creative community surrounding them. Users recommend tools like Syrinscape for adding immersive soundtracks, which can be seamlessly integrated into gameplay to enrich the experience. Overall, music is seen as an essential element that complements the storytelling and tactical elements of the game.

    • “If you fall in love with it, check out Syrinscape online as another add-on for music.”
    • “Then when they know how to do this well, you can use the time they are messing around with their sheets to study the enemies' tactics notes, prepare the next encounter or text block, queue up the next music track, and so on.”
    • “The music feels repetitive and lacks variety, making it hard to stay engaged.”
    • “The soundtrack doesn't match the game's atmosphere, which detracts from the overall experience.”
    • “I found the music to be uninspired and forgettable, failing to enhance the gameplay.”
  • humor2 mentions

    The humor in the reviews is characterized by a blend of personal reflection and absurdity, with users finding solace in humor during tough times and presenting quirky, unconventional ideas for online business strategies. This combination of relatable experiences and whimsical suggestions contributes to a lighthearted tone in the overall feedback.

    • “When dealing with difficult life events, I often retreat to humor, as I did with this review. I hope that your team and others enjoyed the rant.”
    • “The funny thing is, I found that it is more profitable to run online companies if you open an online blackboard and draw a map there, with all the important information stored in an Excel file, and the dice can be thrown just on the camera.”
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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