Breaker Fun - Rescue Adventure

Breaker Fun - Rescue Adventure Game Cover

"Breaker Fun - Rescue Adventure" is a puzzle game that offers an intriguing story and good mechanics with wonderful graphics and exceptional music. However, it has plenty of bugs, features lots of grinding, and is disturbed by ads. The game challenges players to save a guy from bees by drawing a line, requiring skills and quick thinking. Overall, it provides a humorous and unique gaming experience, but the technical issues can be frustrating.

  • Phone
  • Android
  • Mobile Platform
  • Tablet


Audience ScoreBased on 307,034 reviews
graphics63 positive mentions
ads2,867 negative mentions
  • ads2,929 mentions
  • graphics98 mentions
  • gameplay83 mentions
  • stability79 mentions
  • story57 mentions
Positive mentions (%)Positive
Neutral mentions (%)Neutral
Negative mentions (%)Negative

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