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Book of Misery Volume 2: Mork Borg

Book of Misery Volume 2: Mork Borg Game Cover
Book of Misery Volume 2: Mork Borg Game Cover


Want more classes with original and dead folks art? Boom, more monsters to kill your party with, bam! How about some magic items? Slap! Some hireable goons? Ya welcome. Original adventure? Got you covered....and so much more, all this inside this zine. Makes a great partner to the Heretic and Feretory zines. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Book of Misery …

Book of Misery Volume 2: Mork Borg screenshot
Book of Misery Volume 2: Mork Borg screenshot
Book of Misery Volume 2: Mork Borg screenshot

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