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Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni

Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni Game Cover
Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni Game Cover


Bakumatsu Korinden Oni is a Role-Playing game, developed by Pandora Box and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1996. This is the seventh title in the ONI series and is set in Japan approximately 670 years after the previous title, Kishin KouRinden ONI. The two titles share the same world and common characters. It is also notable for the appearance of historical figures such as…

Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni screenshot
Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni screenshot
Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni screenshot
Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni screenshot
Bakumatsu Kourinden Oni screenshot

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