Backgammon Classic
"Backgammon Classic" is a mobile adaptation of the renowned board game, offering exceptional gameplay with sensational graphics. However, the experience is marred by excessive advertisements and numerous bugs that hinder enjoyment. The game invites players to experience one of the most famous board games in the world, where strategy and luck collide on the virtual board.
- The game has beautiful graphics and a clean interface, making it visually appealing.
- The AI provides a good challenge, especially at higher difficulty levels, making the game engaging.
- The app allows players to learn and practice backgammon effectively, with helpful hints and tutorials.
- The game frequently freezes, causing frustration and requiring restarts.
- Ads often cover significant portions of the game board, making it difficult to play.
- The dice rolls appear biased towards the AI, with the computer frequently rolling doubles at crucial moments.
- monetization408 mentions
- 3 % positive mentions
- 0 % neutral mentions
- 97 % negative mentions
The monetization strategy of the game heavily relies on intrusive ads, which many users find excessively disruptive to gameplay. Players express frustration over ads that cover significant portions of the game board, making it difficult to play, and there is a strong demand for a paid version to remove ads entirely. While some users tolerate the ads, the overwhelming consensus is that the current implementation detracts from the overall gaming experience.
“The game is great but please give us the option to buy a no ads version.”
“Awesome game, no ads, no coins, just play.”
“A good game with no ads stopping play during the game.”
“The game is okay, but the programmers allow the ads to post over the game, blocking the top row of pieces from being visible.”
“There's no option to pay to remove ads, so this recent change seriously interferes with playing the game as it cuts into the top side of the board, killing the enjoyment of the game.”
“I understand the need for ads in a free app, but not when they cover up the actual game board making the game unplayable.”
- stability79 mentions
- 4 % positive mentions
- 4 % neutral mentions
- 92 % negative mentions
The game suffers from significant stability issues, with frequent freezing and glitches reported by users, particularly during gameplay and when winning. Many players have to restart the app regularly due to these interruptions, which detracts from the overall experience. While some users appreciate the gameplay when it functions properly, the persistent technical problems hinder its potential.
“Easy format, no glitches, the computer plays like I would.”
“No glitches.”
“Nice game, no glitches yet. I like the game!”
“The app now constantly freezes.”
“Try to play a game and you roll the dice and it just glitches and you have to reboot the whole app each time!”
“The game freezes up way too much.”
- graphics44 mentions
- 68 % positive mentions
- 25 % neutral mentions
- 7 % negative mentions
The graphics in the game receive mixed reviews, with many users praising them as great, colorful, and easy to see, contributing positively to the overall experience. However, some players criticize the graphics as poor or unacceptable, particularly in relation to gameplay issues like freezing and intrusive ads. Overall, while the graphics are generally well-received, there are notable concerns regarding their impact on gameplay and user experience.
“Great graphics and options, also auto-take-off, which saves time when it is a race.”
“I love the colorful, detailed graphics.”
“Smooth and clear graphics and gameplay.”
“The graphics are pathetic; the game’s graphics are very poor and unacceptable, and moreover, you cannot play online with others.”
“Pretty graphics and soft piano background music are useless without a decent AI engine.”
“Ugly graphics, bad animation, terrible music, difficult to exit.”
- gameplay29 mentions
- 48 % positive mentions
- 41 % neutral mentions
- 10 % negative mentions
Overall, the gameplay is described as good with solid mechanics, but it suffers from issues such as unbalanced AI difficulty, frequent interruptions from ads, and some rule inconsistencies. While many players appreciate the layout and smooth graphics, the reliance on favorable dice rolls for AI and the presence of intrusive advertisements detract from the overall experience.
“Mechanically it's pretty good, but the AI is not tough enough, and I am playing on maximum difficulty.”
“I liked this for its layout and gameplay.”
“Smooth and clear graphics and gameplay.”
“Even with what seems to be dice not in the player's favor, the gameplay is bad.”
“The UI is good, but the game relies on changing dice roll outcomes to set the difficulty level rather than changing the sophistication of the gameplay.”
“AI gameplay where the computer miraculously gets just the doubles it needs to win against all odds.”
- music27 mentions
- 37 % positive mentions
- 52 % neutral mentions
- 11 % negative mentions
The music in the game receives mixed reviews, with many players expressing enjoyment of the background tracks, particularly praising the jazz elements and sound effects. However, some users report issues such as music continuing to play after exiting the game and find certain tracks annoying. Overall, while the music enhances the experience for many, technical problems and personal preferences lead to varied opinions.
“The jazz music and clear graphic design of this game are very nice!”
“Great game with good sound effects and music.”
“I love the music, and it's easy to play.”
“Pretty graphics and soft piano background music are useless without a decent AI engine.”
“Lags, then restarts, music continues to play after exiting..... I'll find a different one.”
“Ugly graphics, bad animation, terrible music, difficult to exit.”
- humor3 mentions
- 100 % positive mentions
- 0 % neutral mentions
- 0 % negative mentions
Players find humor in the game's unpredictable AI, which often achieves perfect rolls, leading to amusingly frustrating outcomes. Additionally, the irony of technical issues, like frozen dice, adds to the comedic experience, prompting self-reflection and laughter despite the challenges faced.
“The funny thing is, the only thing that freezes is my dice and the ability to move forward.”
“Still laughing at myself for not making use of reviews.”
- emotional2 mentions
- 100 % positive mentions
- 0 % neutral mentions
- 0 % negative mentions
The emotional aspect of the game is negatively impacted by intrusive ads and technical issues, such as unintentional app store pop-ups and AI double moves, which frustrate players and detract from their overall experience.