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250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins

250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins Game Cover
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins Game Cover


Give 5e fantasy heroes and villains an edge.  Give them the 250 Best Magic Items for 5th Edition clerics, monks, and paladins! Items that scale with your proficiency bonus Items that grant class abilities or racial traits Items that unlock bonus powers based on class Items that create consecrated and desecrated ground Magical tattoos, divine incense, and holy symbols of protection New and revised …

250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot
250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins screenshot

Buy 250 Best Magic Items for Clerics, Monks, and Paladins